This site funny man. Really be picking and choosing what is considered a serious topic
You’re not wrong, there is a lot of hypocrites on this site and this thread would look different for sure if a certain somebody else was accused of this crime , but people gotta be better
metro one of the reasons i started producing. this s*** sucks, i remember danny talkin bout showing my beats to him too, glad that s*** never worked out
Thats what he did????? No way he got banned for that.
S got tired of people bringing it up every thread and making him a racist for it lmao
Thats what he did????? No way he got banned for that.
Yeah iirc he copy/pasted a verse from Drake and it wasn’t censored and he got dogged for it in the beef thread
The other side was doing this exact thing with drake allegedly being a pedo
The difference is
That was directly apart of the beef, and it only escalated to that point because Drake decided to attempt a big “gotcha” first with the domestic abuse allegations.
This sexual assault allegedly transpired 8 years before the beef even happened. It has nothing to do with Drake or Kendrick.
@sab @Nujabes
Why you coming off 2 back to back mutes and trying to make me a villain. Bro I never even said a bad word about you while everyone was laughing from your crash outs smh and you trying to take me off this earth over f***ing Metro f***ing Boomin? F*** him and you too I don't care about who's side you think I was on in some ktt war yall had but I've been ready for God to reveal this truth about this pos since day 1
Niggas gonna really act like there wasn’t a moral holy war being leveraged up and down on here and act like this isn’t ironic as f*** lol
Keep crying about someone copy pasting a drake verse and forgetting to remove the n word in the verse
Just so yall know the diamonds dancing copypasta also got the n word in it.
Just so yall know
both sides have done it throughout the beef.
Sure but still
Also feels there's a difference between edgy jokes and actively celebrating, just to put that out therr
there is another world where Kendrick ends at Meet the Grahams and people dont lose their minds.
This thread is already derailed and turned into a chat thread now condom eyes
KTT if beef thread stayed open:
The difference is
That was directly apart of the beef, and it only escalated to that point because Drake decided to attempt a big “gotcha” first with the domestic abuse allegations.
This sexual assault allegedly transpired 8 years before the beef even happened. It has nothing to do with Drake or Kendrick.
Wesley’s rebirth getting the gold in mental gymnastics
On a real note I hope this is not real and that he did not do this crime and that the alleged victim was not assaulted but only time will tell and that exact response is the one that should be coming from anyone itt as actual humans with empathy for both sides and not celebrity worshippers with 0 identity that only count wins and losses for their favs
Why you coming off 2 back to back mutes and trying to make me a villain. Bro I never even said a bad word about you while everyone was laughing from your crash outs smh and you trying to take me off this earth over f***ing Metro f***ing Boomin? F*** him and you too I don't care about who's side you think I was on in some ktt war yall had but I've been ready for God to reveal this truth about this pos since day 1
I dont have an alliance with anyone but Allah. This isn't a beef thread. You wont shame me for mutes. Stop beefing in a thread about Rape.
@sab @Nujabes
You are one of the biggest rats on here for someone who spazzes out on users multiple times a week
KTT if beef thread stayed open:
implying ktt can ever be anything besides a hellhole echo chamber
man shut the f*** up about the beef
ngl its tasteless, the beef had a lot of tasteless moments but i feel like even for those two this would be off limits i mean this lady was allegedly f***ing raped
We would have already reached a million posts in the Drake vs Kendrick beef thread had it stayed open
Why is BEEFTALK a perma ban??? This is literally a f***ing forum
they dont want you discussing