  • Sep 3, 2020

    Y’all gonna pull this off

  • Sep 3, 2020
    3 Chainz

    Refs made it up to us after all those BS calls, especially the Dragic one

  • Sep 3, 2020

    the parlay lives. insane finish

  • Sep 3, 2020

    Boston looking dangerous but I think we can hold them down as long as we lock down Tatum. Will Hayward be back by then?

    We gotta finish this series first, but we can beat them. Especially if our threes are falling like they are now. Butler and Crowder are good defensive matchups for Brown and Tatum.

  • Sep 3, 2020
    3 replies

    Hopefully we see more of djj next game. Crazy defensive impact in only 7 minutes and offers so much more than the lifeless body of iggy

  • Sep 3, 2020

    We coming for Milwaukee

    Wow, predicted this back in October

  • Sep 3, 2020

    Hopefully we see more of djj next game. Crazy defensive impact in only 7 minutes and offers so much more than the lifeless body of iggy


    I liked Iggy out there for his IQ but DJJ definitely showed he needs playing time in this series

  • Sep 3, 2020

    So hyped but kinda not liking everybody riding our wave now. Feel like they are going to jynx it for us

  • Sep 3, 2020

    Dragic doesn’t even get enough praise, he puts us on his back at times when everyone else is struggling.

    Truth Dragic has been here for awhile now and has been a complete professional, never complaining about the rebuilding or down years. Another player might have wanted to jump teams after Bosh went down with those blood clots the year he was traded for but he fully bought into Heat culture. And still never gets the benefit of the refs smh..

    A good mon :datass:

  • Sep 3, 2020

    I love dis heat team i hope they go all the way rootin for yall

  • Art

    Hopefully we see more of djj next game. Crazy defensive impact in only 7 minutes and offers so much more than the lifeless body of iggy

    Iggy has been great for us he literally has had the best defensive rating for our whole team in the playoffs wtf are you talking about.

  • Sep 3, 2020
    1 reply

    We on ktt2 and art still doesn’t understand basketball.

  • Art

    nothing makes me madder than spo playing iggy over djj

    You really are slow.

  • Sep 3, 2020
    1 reply

    We had a 76! Defensive rating in the 18 mins iggy played last game.

    That is absurdly good...djj was great last night but my god man just google things before you speak.

  • Sep 3, 2020
    1 reply

    We had a 76! Defensive rating in the 18 mins iggy played last game.

    That is absurdly good...djj was great last night but my god man just google things before you speak.

    Why would i google when I can watch the game buddy lmao

    Is Iggy a fine defender? Yea sure. DJJ is better. He can switch 1-5 and matches up incredibly well with Giannis Khris or even Brook outside the arc. In 7 minutes he caused 5 turnovers and changed the game.

    Both are horrid on offense but at least djj can give a boost of energy. DJJ has a far bigger impact on the game and its not even debatable. Just say you dont watch ball and go

  • Sep 3, 2020
    1 reply

    Why this man always tryna start s*** bro we up 2-0 just say u disagree and be happy about the results. Its not that deep

  • Art

    Why would i google when I can watch the game buddy lmao

    Is Iggy a fine defender? Yea sure. DJJ is better. He can switch 1-5 and matches up incredibly well with Giannis Khris or even Brook outside the arc. In 7 minutes he caused 5 turnovers and changed the game.

    Both are horrid on offense but at least djj can give a boost of energy. DJJ has a far bigger impact on the game and its not even debatable. Just say you dont watch ball and go

    All the numbers literally tell you iggy has been much better for us hence why Spo has been playing him more.

    I’m sure you know more than Spo tho right?

  • Sep 3, 2020
    1 reply

    Why this man always tryna start s*** bro we up 2-0 just say u disagree and be happy about the results. Its not that deep

    U always posting dumb s*** try saying something smart and I won’t “start s***”.

  • This man really tryna tell me stick figure djj can switch 1-5 lmao but I guess iggy can’t?

    Lmaooo plz stop man I’ll trust Spo over the arm chair gms who were calling for his head once upon a time.

    Iggy has been giving Giannis fits this whole series he can’t back him down for his life.

  • Sep 3, 2020
    1 reply

    U always posting dumb s*** try saying something smart and I won’t “start s***”.

    sorry my opinion offended you so much, bro. ill try to think about that next time i post. hope u have a nice night

  • Sep 3, 2020

    sorry my opinion offended you so much, bro. ill try to think about that next time i post. hope u have a nice night

    It’s not an opinion that iggy has been playing very well for us hence why I called ur post stupid.

    You can’t actually support ur own statements with facts tho so just keep deflecting.

    He’s been lifeless to you but also has our best defensive rating on the team? Does that actually add up to you?

    Like someone getting an a on a test but you tell me he failed because that’s ur “opinion”...

  • Sep 3, 2020
    1 reply

    We on ktt2 and art still doesn’t understand basketball.

    My guy Alexander back

  • Sep 3, 2020

    Hopefully we see more of djj next game. Crazy defensive impact in only 7 minutes and offers so much more than the lifeless body of iggy

    Iggy has actually been really good defensively but yeah DJJ looked great last night

  • Sep 4, 2020

    Your favorite team loses in the playoffs? We can't relate

    Hope that s*** don't end tonight lol
