  • Feb 12, 2020

    Long requested part 2 of my MJ is innocent series.

    Leaving Neverland. 4 hours. 2 parts. 2 men who claim Jackson molested them for years, in graphic detail. No defence. No outside opinion.

    No mention of their court filed lawsuits which were thrown out of court either.

    So let’s start with Wade Robson, as he filed the claim first, in 2013 after ‘realising’ he was abused. Wade’s story has constantly changed in the 6 years of his claim.

    LIE #1 - He didn’t file the creditors claim in time, because he did not know Michael Jackson had an Estate.
    Truth - Wade Robson did an interview in 2011 about working with the Michael Jackson Estate for the Cirque Du Soleil tribute show, ‘Immortal’.

    He pulled out due to directing commitments. These fell through and through court proceedings an email was discovered of him begging for the job back (

    Yet in 2013, he claimed he didn’t file his creditors claim in the 60 days required from realising abuse (May 2012) he didn’t know Michael Jackson had an Estate. - See paragraph 27

    LIE #2: MJ set up companies and events to find and groom children.

    Truth: Robson met MJ in 1987, after winning a dance competition Wade claims was set up by MJs companies to recruit and groom children - namely MJJ Ventures, which didn’t exist at the time. Truth is that it was set up by Target, Pepsi and CBS Records. Robson knew this.

    Robson testified as such in 2005.

    Wade’s own mother admitted that after 1987, they had no contact with Jackson until 1990 after several letters and managing to contact his assistant.

    For someone so intent on finding children and molesting them who ran ‘the most sophisticated child s***ring of all time’, Jackson did an awful job at this by having no contact with Wade for 3 years.

    Norma Steikos, Jackson's assistant, was behind this, yet had no mention in Leaving Neverland. Why? She is still alive and can sue for defamation.

    LIE #3: ‘I got too old, and was replaced by Mac Culkin’
    Truth: Mac Culkin is 2 years older than Wade Robson and has always maintained Jackson did nothing. Simple.

    LIE #4: The memories are my own, this is my tale of abuse.
    TRUTH: Wade concocted his tales of abuse by asking his mother a string of questions seen in emails Robson tried to hide from the court -

    Robson also emailed himself websites like MJFacts, which is a site dedicated to ‘proof’ Jackson was a serial child abuser in order to try and build his story.

    Robson admits to adding parts to this book draft as the story grows

    These emails, Wade tried to hide from the court, by the way.

    LIE #5: ‘I was abused for the first time while my family were at the Grand Canyon
    Truth: Wade Robson’s lie was proven as just that, a lie, by his own Mother.

    Here is the Leaving Neverland clip of this lie:

    September 2016, Wade graphically describes the ‘abuse’ -

    Robson himself however admitted this lie, when caught out because his book drafts conflicted his claims. Nothing happened on those nights at Neverland. When pressed on it, he simply said ‘I don’t really remember’

    The book draft in question -

    LIE #6: ‘I never wanted to testify in 2005 and only did because I received a subpoena (ignoring the fact he didn’t think he was abused or saw anything wrong with his friendship until 2012)
    Truth: No subpoena exists.

    Wade Robson was broke. In 2011 he sold his Michael collection to Julien’s Auctions, who sold it as ‘The Wade Robson Collection:

    Wade’s brother admitted this was a concern in court-

    Here is Wade praising Michael Jackson in July 2012. He was shopping the book about the ‘abuse’ during this time.

    LIE #7 - Michael would groom us and sent letters.
    Truth: Jackson sent letters to everyone. Here is one to his costume designer -
    The malicious intent to describe this as ‘grooming’ is absurd - Jackson wrote these to anyone, any age.

    Using this logic, Jackson tried to groom Weird Al Yankovic too -

    LIE #8 - Jackson told us women were evil because he wanted us to himself.
    Truth - Wade had an 8 year relationship with Jackson’s cousin, as Jackson set them up because Wade thought she was cute.

    LIE #9 - No one was allowed entry into Michael Jackson’s room so he could molest me.
    Truth - Robson painted a picture that Jackson’s room was off limits. It was a safe space for him to molest as he pleased -

    Yet, he claims Blanca Francia (MJs maid - who’s been discussed as a opportunist liar before) had a key to get in the room. This was said so he could defend his claim Blanca saw Jackson act inappropriately. Which one is it?

    LIE #10 - Jackson had alarms and top security measures to hide his abuse.
    Truth - Well, the most famous man on the planet had security in his house. No s***.

    And, Robson claimed the abuse happened under his mothers nose, in trailers, anywhere Jackson and Robson were together -

    For someone so intent on molesting Robson but doing it so secretively with the alarms who built an entire house as a save haven for molestation, he wasn’t very good at that - doing so in open air with Wade's own mother next door?

    Which one is it? The super secretive predator or the s***crazed abuser who couldn't contain his urges?

    From 1993 until 2012, Wade Robson’s story and defence of Michael Jackson never changed, even when heavily scrutinised and pushed in court.

    However after 2013, his story has changed many, many times and his lies have been caught out each time.

    TL:DR Wade Robson is a narcissist and a proven liar. It's hard to compress 6 years worth of lies, as his story has changed so many times, even weeks before Leaving Neverland was filmed, but this gives you the idea.

  • Feb 12, 2020
    1 reply

    op doing the lord’s work

    out here screaming mj innocent! (streets-wise)

  • Zaywop 💰
    Feb 12, 2020

    I read all that OP (STREETS WISE)

  • Feb 12, 2020
    5 replies

    He f***ed those kids, stop being in denial ...

  • Feb 12, 2020

    He f***ed those kids, stop being in denial ...

    sounds like someone is projecting

  • Feb 12, 2020
    1 reply

    Stanning a dead child rapist out of obligation >>>>

  • Feb 12, 2020
    1 reply

    Thank you OP please do a spin off special episode KOBE INNOCENT, thank you

  • pneu
    Feb 12, 2020
    1 reply

    Protect OP!

  • Feb 12, 2020

    First page.

  • Feb 12, 2020
    1 reply

    How is Wade's mother saying he wasn't abused during their trip any confirmation that he lied about being abused

  • Feb 12, 2020
    1 reply

    He is innocent, he was the most influential & powerful artist of all time

    Michael had children in 3rd world countries doing the moon walk and wearing his signature Thriller costume

    He was a global phenomenon and anomaly that threatened as well as terrified the system created by white powers in the music industry

    He transcended human form and become an all powerful force of nature through sheer talent, amazing aesthetics & consistency

  • Feb 12, 2020
    3 replies

    It’s funny how the people who have claimed that he’s guilty in both threads haven’t shown any evidence to back up their claims yet op has consistently

  • Feb 12, 2020

    been needing this. Good work OP

  • Feb 12, 2020

    He f***ed those kids, stop being in denial ...

    So do you care to refute any of the things OP said or ?

  • p t ✝️
    Feb 12, 2020
    2 replies

    sad that they tried to ruin MJs name long after his passing even more sad the whole documentary was fake

  • Feb 12, 2020
    2 replies

    It’s funny how the people who have claimed that he’s guilty in both threads haven’t shown any evidence to back up their claims yet op has consistently

    It's all anecdotal evidence. Meanwhile the people accusing him are celebrities that knew him personally. He did that s*** and you won't admit it because you're emotionally attached to his work. Sad!

  • Feb 12, 2020

    It’s funny how the people who have claimed that he’s guilty in both threads haven’t shown any evidence to back up their claims yet op has consistently

    speak on it 🗣🗣🗣

  • p t

    sad that they tried to ruin MJs name long after his passing even more sad the whole documentary was fake

    Even more sad that the media managed to essentially scare the general public into believing that he was a creepy and predatory person. Man was essentially stripped of his childhood but no one wants to talk about that

  • Feb 12, 2020
    3 replies

    As a woman, I’m side eyeing at the fact this man slept in the same bed as children who weren’t his. The fact they used his shower is weird. I don’t care. It’s odd.

  • Feb 12, 2020
    1 reply

    It's all anecdotal evidence. Meanwhile the people accusing him are celebrities that knew him personally. He did that s*** and you won't admit it because you're emotionally attached to his work. Sad!

    If it’s anecdotal evidence, then do you have any better evidence to share?

  • Feb 12, 2020

    If it’s anecdotal evidence, then do you have any better evidence to share?

    exactly, man is using a guilty until proven innocent mindset, yet can’t even give close to the amount of evidence (whether it be “anecdotal” or not) that op gave

  • Feb 12, 2020
    1 reply

    Just let it go bruh

  • Feb 12, 2020
    p t

    sad that they tried to ruin MJs name long after his passing even more sad the whole documentary was fake

    saddest part of all is that oprah gets away with that whole thing

  • Feb 12, 2020

    what a read!
