underrated color
uncircumcised got extra skin in the game
I wonder how Top feels when an album like this just trumps your latest artists release
Like Reason album was a step up for him but there’s no comparison to this
Nigga rapping like he did on Jerome on the whole album, he got something to get off his chest
haven’t heard yet but this or sundial?
This, but if somebody said Sundial I wouldn’t argue with them
he had a youtube premium post release "afterparty stream" where he was going into detail around the process of this album including
1. Roy G Biv came from him wanting to do a lyrical theme as a writer and wanting to do something with that beat since it's unique with no snare meaning there's more space to say some s*** @localblaccmane
2. He was playing with shorter songs on this album since he's been examining the direction the industry and listeners have been going with the attention span and realized after finishing this album (7-8 months ago) there's a lot of replay value in it. I can see why for an artist like him why he feels like this.
3. songs like 2004 were made with the gym in mind. His favorite song off here is Mop. highly recommend if you want to watch (and got youtube premium)