  • May 17, 2021

    Microsoft Corp. board members decided that Bill Gates needed to step down from its board in 2020 as they pursued an investigation into the billionaire’s prior romantic relationship with a female Microsoft employee that was deemed inappropriate, people familiar with the matter said.

    Members of the board tasked with the matter hired a law firm to conduct an investigation in late 2019 after a Microsoft engineer alleged in a letter that she had a sexual relationship over years with Mr. Gates, the people said.

  • May 17, 2021

    Billy you weirdo

  • May 17, 2021
    1 reply

    @BillGates Weirdo.

  • May 17, 2021

    @BillGates Weirdo.

  • May 17, 2021
    7 replies

    Why are they coming for Gates? I wonder if he’s going to be exposed for some very nasty s*** soon and they’re trying to separate him from the rest of the elite the way they did with Epstein.

  • May 17, 2021

    Why are they coming for Gates? I wonder if he’s going to be exposed for some very nasty s*** soon and they’re trying to separate him from the rest of the elite the way they did with Epstein.

  • May 17, 2021

    Why are they coming for Gates? I wonder if he’s going to be exposed for some very nasty s*** soon and they’re trying to separate him from the rest of the elite the way they did with Epstein.

  • May 17, 2021
    1 reply

    Damn bill

  • rano 🇧🇷
    May 17, 2021

    Why are they coming for Gates? I wonder if he’s going to be exposed for some very nasty s*** soon and they’re trying to separate him from the rest of the elite the way they did with Epstein.

    Yeah, dead man walking

  • May 17, 2021
    5 replies

    This The Mane That Gave Us Microsoft Office You Tellin Me He Touchin Those Employees

  • May 17, 2021

  • Kengi 💭
    May 17, 2021

    Bill Gates really looks like a weasel

  • May 17, 2021
    7 replies

  • May 17, 2021
    4 replies

    never makes sense how niggas can get booted from their own company they started

  • May 17, 2021
    1 reply

    This The Mane That Gave Us Microsoft Office You Tellin Me He Touchin Those Employees

    This the mf that dropped Windows Vista bro say it isnt so

  • May 17, 2021
    monza sp1 x

    never makes sense how niggas can get booted from their own company they started

    Based on data from 2019, Bill Gates is believed to still own 330 million shares of Microsoft, accounting for roughly $55B worth of Microsoft stock, or 4.3% of the total company.

  • rhyming rhino

    This the mf that dropped Windows Vista bro say it isnt so

  • May 17, 2021
    monza sp1 x

    never makes sense how niggas can get booted from their own company they started

    The power of shareholders

  • May 17, 2021
    4 replies

    Why are they coming for Gates? I wonder if he’s going to be exposed for some very nasty s*** soon and they’re trying to separate him from the rest of the elite the way they did with Epstein.

    f*** bill gates

  • monza sp1 x

    never makes sense how niggas can get booted from their own company they started

    when u choose to sell shares of ur company to the public thats what happens

  • May 17, 2021
    iCarly Japan

    f*** bill gates

    Of course!

  • May 17, 2021
    1 reply

    Bill Gates slinging d*** around the Microsoft office

  • May 17, 2021

    Bill Weinstein

  • May 17, 2021
    5 replies
