Might like this more than Disco! Idk... I go back and forth
Weight of The World is still my fav tho
They are both pretty close but I think he outdid himself a little more on Monkey
MIKE is way better at making albums than Earl imo
comparison is the thief of joy
love this album it sucks that most of the discussion is what album its better than or what status this make MIKE i get it but it aint no fun. aint to say i havent been one of those bouls in the past but damn just enjoy the music itd be different if y’all thought it was trash but everyone f***in w it
Weary love beat make me wanna write something
'23 around the earth, see the world different
Whenever this song comes on my day is instantly better
seeing bro for the 3rd time sunday. slauson for the first time should be a f***ing great show
'23 around the earth, see the world different
seeing this live was so uplifting