  • This movie hits so hard as a first gen immigrant such a bizarre experience growing up. Beautiful film can feel the passion in shots

  • proper 🔩
    Jan 1, 2021
    2 replies

    can anyone send me a link? the one i had previously expired

    Check your messages if you still need a link

  • Jan 1, 2021
    1 reply

    Check your messages if you still need a link

    Yall wouldn't happen to have nomadland too

  • proper 🔩
    Jan 1, 2021

    Yall wouldn't happen to have nomadland too

    naw but check the screeners thread. it was some ppl who had the link in there for sure.

  • Jan 1, 2021
    Oscar Winner

    I trust it being it came from a real place from the writer/director. If it was a white person trying to talk about being an Asian immigrant then I would be iffy. But knowing it came from an authentic source makes me trust the story

    not korean but so much of movie hits so close to home I feel like a fly on the wall of precious memories. Meditative to an extent was reflecting on my childhood and parents growing up in small town in midwest.

  • Jan 1, 2021
  • Jan 1, 2021
    1 reply

    young david really did steal the show

    what does urine taste like?


  • Jan 1, 2021


    The dynamic between them two >>>>>>>>

    Really thought the show would be more catered around Steven but he felt more like a a side character to me

  • Jan 1, 2021

    could young David potentially get an Oscar nom

    i don't think it's a super competitive year for the actor categories

  • Jan 1, 2021

    Check your messages if you still need a link

  • proper 🔩
    Jan 3, 2021

    smh 🛏

  • Jan 3, 2021
    1 reply

    Tbh Yeun wasn’t even the MVP of the film for me performance wise, that would have to be Youn Yuh-Jung. I also really liked Will Pattons performance here.

    Exceptional film though and one of the rare Hollywood films to come out that doesn’t just feel like blatant identity politics but rather a genuine and heartfelt story.

  • Jan 3, 2021

    was def expecting a more aggressive form of racism as well loll

    So happy they didn’t play that angle

  • Jan 3, 2021
    1 reply

    Tbh Yeun wasn’t even the MVP of the film for me performance wise, that would have to be Youn Yuh-Jung. I also really liked Will Pattons performance here.

    Exceptional film though and one of the rare Hollywood films to come out that doesn’t just feel like blatant identity politics but rather a genuine and heartfelt story.

    Yessir that’s cus it was written/directed by someone who really lived that life.

    I agree tho I was expecting Steve to be the main star but he felt more like a side character (which is fine)

  • Jan 3, 2021
    1 reply
    Oscar Winner

    Yessir that’s cus it was written/directed by someone who really lived that life.

    I agree tho I was expecting Steve to be the main star but he felt more like a side character (which is fine)

    Yeah I liked that the film made sure to give all these characters a good amount of time and Yeun is definitely still really great here. I’d like to see him get awards consideration even tho Highkey, the most deserving is the grandma imo

  • Jan 3, 2021
    2 replies

    Yeah I liked that the film made sure to give all these characters a good amount of time and Yeun is definitely still really great here. I’d like to see him get awards consideration even tho Highkey, the most deserving is the grandma imo

    Yeun Is amazing but that just shows how great the grandma and little boy are. Even Will like you said. Also I’m glad they didn’t do nothing cliche with Will’s character like end up making him steal from Yuen or something

  • proper 🔩
    Jan 3, 2021
    Oscar Winner

    Yeun Is amazing but that just shows how great the grandma and little boy are. Even Will like you said. Also I’m glad they didn’t do nothing cliche with Will’s character like end up making him steal from Yuen or something

    forreals thought the white man was gonna screw them over on some typical white man taking advantage of an underprivileged immigrant type beat

  • Jan 3, 2021
    1 reply
    Oscar Winner

    Yeun Is amazing but that just shows how great the grandma and little boy are. Even Will like you said. Also I’m glad they didn’t do nothing cliche with Will’s character like end up making him steal from Yuen or something

    Yeah the film kinda has an implications that make Paul a really fascinating character considering he seems to not really fit with the white people since his love of God is very different from the church goers (even shown when he made fun of by the church kids)

    and then he has that scene where he shows Yeun's character that old korean money or whatever. I definitely do wonder about his backstory but the film definitely finds ways to even make small characters like him have depth.

  • Jan 3, 2021

    Yeah the film kinda has an implications that make Paul a really fascinating character considering he seems to not really fit with the white people since his love of God is very different from the church goers (even shown when he made fun of by the church kids)

    and then he has that scene where he shows Yeun's character that old korean money or whatever. I definitely do wonder about his backstory but the film definitely finds ways to even make small characters like him have depth.

    Those types of scenes stood out to you from him? (About him handing the money)
    To me it’s cool how the simplest looking scene can actually mean a lot

  • as a black man, this movie was so touching

  • eclass ⛓️
    Jan 4, 2021
    1 reply

    Soo where can I watch this?

  • Jan 4, 2021
    1 reply

    someone explain the ending to me cuz i was a little confused

  • proper 🔩
    Jan 4, 2021
    4 replies

    someone explain the ending to me cuz i was a little confused

    to understand the ending of Minari you had to have watched the moving Burning because there is a direct correlation between the burning of the farm shed in Minari and the metaphorical burning of the greenhouses in Burning. Basically we find out in the end that Jacob is actually Bens grandfather. watch both films again and the ending will click. Trust me bro.

  • proper 🔩
    Jan 4, 2021
    1 reply

    Enjoy your ban 👋

    Reported for sharing illegal streaming/dl links.
