nah lol i hate life sxn i wouldn't even be able to tolerate msct if that was true lol
life sxn is my 2nd favorite but only my threads
Im not saying mixing is redundant and a dated practice.
Im saying that the various methods of normalization of mixes on different streaming platforms has not made it easy to get a mix to consumers without it being altered.
I think that by having access to a large variety of music at the fingertips can lead to people spending less time paying attention to a mix and more time just click of and on listening.
People listening to playlist more also means that artist are swayed to make a mix sound playlist ready rather than making it cohesive within the album.
I don't know how that plays into the music currently in questions and whether streaming is a factor in it.
I also think that radio had a similar effect, and all stages of music the mix has been influenced by the medium that people are using to listen to music.
So I suppose a better statement for me to have made would be. "Streaming is killing the mix as we know it "
Ohh yea that's an interesting perspective, I remember reading some old heads complaining about how mixes were going to s*** in the 2000's because of the radio and whatnot but it seems that streaming only added fuel to the fire. Number of people are mainly listening through AirPods or their whip now, hardly any headphones or quality speaker systems
Avi posting
Either p*** or roasting
And S giving updates about the site
Pretty much it
life sxn is my 2nd favorite but only my threads
Your threads are always interesting
Your threads are always interesting
mods keep locking or deleting them though
life sxn is my 2nd favorite but only my threads
life sxn is my least fav cause it has the worst population of users tbh
all the bigot weirdos congregate there for whatever reason
We are leaving the loudness wars tho!
What a great time to be Ian Shephard
Funny enough TI's new album is slightly quiter than other releases nowadays, another reason he's my GOAT
mods keep locking or deleting them though
They have no right to do that
They have no right to do that
like this 1 I thought it was harmless
life sxn is my least fav cause it has the worst population of users tbh
all the bigot weirdos congregate there for whatever reason
The transphobes in that section can rot
like this 1 I thought it was harmless
Think they may have been confused by it and thought it was spam
But I do get what you were saying lol some people on this site don't read the posts even if their short
like this 1 I thought it was harmless
Lore to complex for ktt
Also the amount of losers in that section is awful too.. There are some extremely weird people on this site it's kind of mind boggling
Also the amount of losers in that section is awful too.. There are some extremely weird people on this site it's kind of mind boggling
yea i trash on music sxn all the time cause there's a bunch of losers there but nowhere is it worse than life sxn in my experience lol
yea i trash on music sxn all the time cause there's a bunch of losers there but nowhere is it worse than life sxn in my experience lol
Music sxn is mostly just trolls
Life sxn is actual mental problems and hatred
That's why on my life sxn threads I just try to make people laugh
Like the fridge thing or my mountain biking black eye
The easiest way to make people happy is by making them laugh
i don't ban anyone from itt unless y'all start saying weirdo s*** or are just generally a weirdo on this site in general lol
i don't ban anyone from itt unless y'all start saying weirdo s*** or are just generally a weirdo on this site in general lol
Put some names on that s***