knew what it was without even clicking
s/o to chrono trigger
i dont like seafood sorry guys, maybe fish and chips
knew what it was without even clicking
s/o to chrono trigger
need to play that
whats ur fav jrpg persona 4’s mne
I like pistachios
Those are the best nuts
Have u ever had pistachio muffins?
need to play that
whats ur fav jrpg persona 4’s mne
its probably chrono trigger lmao
I really like fried whole belly clams
Also really like fresh uni
Also I know it's a sin to eat, but I had tarpon when in the Amazon.
Hits different
I really like pistachio ice cream
I had that one time and I was surprised by how good it was tbh
$pitta and Alc - fried calamari the mix tape
I went on a road trip from boston, new hampshire, maine, then back all through the east coast of canada back to my home eating visting different restaurants, going whale watching and stuff