Here is the the dude that actually did the deed
Idk why u only posted her
The pic of the girl was the only pic in the article
If I was a family member of the Guillens, I'd be infuriated. someone would have to die.
Disgusting. The way america romanticizes the military you’d this would be a bigger deal but you know how it go
I’m sure the military in other countries are not perfect too
I’m sure the military in other countries are not perfect too
I’m not even close to knowledgeable on the history of military to comment on that but the logic that “well other countries are worse” is a poor excuse for what is going on currently
If I was a family member of the Guillens, I'd be infuriated. someone would have to die.
i try to be a pacifist but i think something like this absolutely warrants death for this man (if he wasn't already)
I rather struggle for life than go thru the BS the military puts you thru
you might come out of it better than any low wage job would have you, but that s*** they push you thru is awful and as a woman, I would think down right inhuman
I’m not even close to knowledgeable on the history of military to comment on that but the logic that “well other countries are worse” is a poor excuse for what is going on currently
Nah there’s no excuse to this situation, f*** the military Fr
What was the reason?
likely he sexually assaulted her and killed her before she could out him
This coward also apparently killed himself smh hurts to know there will be no justice for vanessa
I once met this guy from the military and this dude straight up told me he and other male soldiers "hate girls"
The military covers up so much abuse done to women.
This and it's so disgusting/heartbreaking
Here is the the dude that actually did the deed
Idk why u only posted her
What an animal. F*** this dude
you gotta be part demon to kill somebody with a hammer
too many looneys running around unchecked, one of society's biggest downfalls