Black Mirror writers probably kicking themselves for not thinking of this plot for the new season
Imagine being stuck with only the dingy ass titanic to look at it in a tin can with 4 other stank motherfuckers there to surround you
Even if that was on perfectly safe land, and not 13000 feet under water, that still sounds torturous
this story is intriguing. if they were to be found alive it would be amazing. but that seems highly unlikely. assuming they die, i suppose there are much worse ways to die, but the idea of being a billionaire and paying for this and then dying and missing out on the rest of your billionaire life is a shame. if i was a billionaire i would do cool s*** but life risking s*** would be a pass for me. not trying to go up in Elon's space ship either
These dudes can do anything on God’s green earth and instead, James Cameron goes down 10000 meters into the ocean, sub-orbital space flights just to sail around the sky, stupid Titanic Subs
I guess you gotta manufacture excitement when there’s so much at your fingertips though. Just buying fashion, investing into proxy wars and f***ing supermodels probably gets boring
is it possible they r still alive? Hope they r
Twitter not letting up navy was peak Twitter
I thrive under pressure.
Horrible way to go. Even if they pin location how would they even be able to pull them up.
Wish there was a livestream or something from inside the sub, curious how they’re reacting to this rn and what the situation is like
Oh boy
Horrible way to go. Even if they pin location how would they even be able to pull them up.
A boat
how does gravity effect the people in a submarine if they go upside down ive always wondered that
dog what
The source of the noise
dog what
yall corny at dis point these responses arent even funny i expected more from yall