Star power > dedication
Prince of the city> da drought
Cabin fever >d2
Burn after rolling > da drought 3
Taylor alterdice > no callings
Kush & oj> s4tw
Cf3> da drought is over
28 grams> d5
It's only weed> drought 2
Shut the f*** up
Someone give Ignance an alt lol please
why was he banned?
Carti stans got sensitive when he talked about they moms sucking his d***
Shoulda flamed him back like a normal person
Meth head
Carti stans got sensitive when he talked about they moms sucking his d***
thats it?
wiz is not good
thats it?
Yep :/
i dont even wiz would think that mixtape wayne is one greatest rappers alive
Hell no
Although Prince of the City Wiz is goat