SBMM highers player retention and creates a better experience for 90% of the playerbase
Games without SBMM resulted in the following:
Increased Match Quit Rates: The likelihood for a player to quit during a match increased significantly across 80% of players within the study.
Return to Matchmaking: Within the sample study group, 90% of players in the loosened skill group did not return at a higher rate than the control group. This indicated that low- to mid-skill players left the game in greater numbers. The net effect of this was a decrease in the overall player population across the study group. Therefore, the likely result of this compounding over time will lead to player populations that feature only higher-skilled players at increasing rates.
Blowouts: Matches where blowouts – a score delta greater than 30 – increased across all skill levels in Team Deathmatch, as one example.
it actually only decreased the player retention in lower skill brackets by 2% which is nothing (for a game that’s dying anyways) and increased player retention for people in a higher skill bracket. of course they are gonna try to word it in a way that makes it seem like a good thing, but it’s far from it. it just makes them more money, that’s all
it actually only decreased the player retention in lower skill brackets by 2% which is nothing (for a game that’s dying anyways) and increased player retention for people in a higher skill bracket. of course they are gonna try to word it in a way that makes it seem like a good thing, but it’s far from it. it just makes them more money, that’s all
source: you made it up
source: you made it up
you can literally see it in their graphic lol i didn‘t make up s***
you can literally see it in their graphic lol i didn‘t make up s*** all skill groups besides the best best had retention drop
saw 80% more people quit matches
and 90% more negative feedback from random surveys
also that 2% drop is just over a 2 week period
so all skill groups besides the best best had retention drop
saw 80% more people quit matches
and 90% more negative feedback from random surveys
also that 2% drop is just over a 2 week period
so you are surprised that people whose support wheels have been taken off their bikes are more likely to quit? that is just the natural consequence of having your protection taken away. it’s a reality check. the only people who are surprised by this are people in said lower brackets.
i don’t feel like derailing the thread any further but sbmm is not a thing you want in a game you’re genuinely trying to get better at. (at least not to this extent). if you want to read more we have actually discussed this in the MW3 game thread on here back when the study dropped
Imagine putting all that effort into this and get a C&D right at the finish line. I'd off myself
Well maybe the clowns at ASStivition might make it now
From my understanding, they've developed it but just never released it since they didn't want it to cannibalize the player base with the other CoD they were going to release at the time (dunno which one it was).
Imagine putting all that effort into this and get a C&D right at the finish line. I'd off myself
maybe if they f***ing learned to not promote this s*** till its f***ing ready
these mod devs are retarded
Well maybe the clowns at ASStivition might make it now
They ain't making s***. The cease & dentist is to protect their current assets. They dumped most MW2 maps into MW3 too. S*** was not gonna look good, everybody playing this instead of BO6 beta..
you suckers who bought cod 4 remastered
Chill we requested our refunds already..
what if Gabe rejects them
He wouldn't! I bought it 2 days ago and I have logged 0 (zero!) minutes.
i got news for you buddy…
I bought it but didn't play a second of it because of this
Refund inc
@Activision kill yourself
Need them Youtubers to put pressure on Activision..
I randomly checked this guys YouTube last week. He’s now a bee keeper