actually that'd make a good april fools joke change it for a day, watch music sxn go to war
A feature that could prevent this is the ability to block or hide specific threads so you don't have to see them anymore. I'd hide every 69 thread in music rn. Realize the backlog on new features is pretty full atm tho
Stop 🙃
Which one
Which one
It’s been happening for a little while now and you should see reports for the ones today.
Also the Drake mod posts threads on him wherever he likes regularly.
I hate all my threads about Drake not even being moved but locked... it makes me so sad, please change your ways mods 😔 why do you hate him so much? 😭
It’s a bit different with every artist since certain artist tend to have a lot of controversy, or trolls, baiting happening when they’re allowed to be both in the respective artist section and music section.
The idea is to be able to have it in both sections, as long as it won’t be a hate fest/circle jerk, so we have to kind of play it by ear and make a decision.
If you feel as though a thread should be moved just tag a mod or report the thread and we’ll go from there.