  • Oct 31, 2021
    Brodie Wav

    Why are people against this lol

    Education of their kids

  • Oct 31, 2021

    She is frankly very very ugly

  • Oct 31, 2021

    Looks annoying too

  • Oct 31, 2021

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    Real nigga s***

  • Oct 31, 2021

    you said the soviet union had no influence on the US dropping the nuclear bombs on civilian targets - that was a demonstrable lie.

    "JFB still hoping for time, believing after atomic bomb, Japan will surrender and Russia will not get in so much on the kill, thereby being in a position to press for claims against China."
    -Walter Brown, assistant at the Potsdam Meeting

    as for the second point:

    at this point hitler had already killed himself and the Japanese Security Council already knew they were going to lose. They had hoped the USSR would honor their non-aggression pact - which the Soviet Union had already made plans to break and enter Manchuria.
    Internal documents show that Truman himself had written that the USSR's declaration of war against the Empire of Japan would have been enough to force the Japanese surrender without any US involvement in a land invasion. A US land invasion of Japan was completely off the table at this point.

    (also not sure what you mean when you say Japan wasn't gonna surrender and then two sentences later you say "they figured it was better to do an unconditional surrender")

    for your third argument:

    Hiroshima was in no way a tactical military target in the same way Kyoto was in no way a tactical military target. The critical criteria for Target Selection was

    "At the suggestion of Dr. Conant the Secretary agreed that the most desirable target would be a vital war plant employing a large number of workers and closely surrounded by workers' houses."

    I know you don't need me to explain what this means, but obviously this does not say "the target should be a target of extreme military significance" but instead says "drop the bomb somewhere with lots of people and stuff to make the biggest psychological impression on the Soviet Union".

    The reason Hiroshima was chosen was because it was - prior to the atomic bomb - relatively untouched by prior bombings due to its insignificance as a military target. Actually important military targets such as Tokyo had been firebombed for months and were in a state of total disarray.

    Both Nagasaki and Hiroshima were extremely populous relatively untouched cities providing the Target Selection Committee the most spectacular examples of what the nuclear bomb could do. As a matter of fact both cities were placed under a "No-Bomb-List" in order to preserve the cities as much as possible to provide the most dramatic contrast to emphasize the destructive capabilities of the atomic bombs. So much for "military importance".

    Holy s*** y’all

  • lil ufo 🛸
    Oct 31, 2021

    why is this thread keep going

  • Oct 31, 2021
    1 reply

    you said the soviet union had no influence on the US dropping the nuclear bombs on civilian targets - that was a demonstrable lie.

    "JFB still hoping for time, believing after atomic bomb, Japan will surrender and Russia will not get in so much on the kill, thereby being in a position to press for claims against China."
    -Walter Brown, assistant at the Potsdam Meeting

    as for the second point:

    at this point hitler had already killed himself and the Japanese Security Council already knew they were going to lose. They had hoped the USSR would honor their non-aggression pact - which the Soviet Union had already made plans to break and enter Manchuria.
    Internal documents show that Truman himself had written that the USSR's declaration of war against the Empire of Japan would have been enough to force the Japanese surrender without any US involvement in a land invasion. A US land invasion of Japan was completely off the table at this point.

    (also not sure what you mean when you say Japan wasn't gonna surrender and then two sentences later you say "they figured it was better to do an unconditional surrender")

    for your third argument:

    Hiroshima was in no way a tactical military target in the same way Kyoto was in no way a tactical military target. The critical criteria for Target Selection was

    "At the suggestion of Dr. Conant the Secretary agreed that the most desirable target would be a vital war plant employing a large number of workers and closely surrounded by workers' houses."

    I know you don't need me to explain what this means, but obviously this does not say "the target should be a target of extreme military significance" but instead says "drop the bomb somewhere with lots of people and stuff to make the biggest psychological impression on the Soviet Union".

    The reason Hiroshima was chosen was because it was - prior to the atomic bomb - relatively untouched by prior bombings due to its insignificance as a military target. Actually important military targets such as Tokyo had been firebombed for months and were in a state of total disarray.

    Both Nagasaki and Hiroshima were extremely populous relatively untouched cities providing the Target Selection Committee the most spectacular examples of what the nuclear bomb could do. As a matter of fact both cities were placed under a "No-Bomb-List" in order to preserve the cities as much as possible to provide the most dramatic contrast to emphasize the destructive capabilities of the atomic bombs. So much for "military importance".

    how tf did this thread go from onlyfans thot to the soviet union?

  • Oct 31, 2021
    Mr Sting

    that's trash. she tried to help out and volunteer, it's not like she's a bad person. those kids will probably never even see the onlyfans s*** it's just adults overreacting as per usual

    Yeah right the whole classroom is probably still talking about how everyone wants to f*** Billy's mom kids probably sick of hearing that s*** by now

  • Oct 31, 2021


  • Oct 31, 2021


  • Oct 31, 2021

    imma bust a nut to her shi to support her

  • Oct 31, 2021

    They’re saving this disgraced country tbqh

  • Oct 31, 2021

    U weird as hell bro lol they doing that s*** for u

    Worst poster on ktt

  • Oct 31, 2021
    1 reply

    U weird as hell bro lol they doing that s*** for u

    Your a f***ing dumbass

  • Oct 31, 2021

    how tf did this thread go from onlyfans thot to the soviet union?

    Because WORDS WORDS WORDS posting

  • Oct 31, 2021
    Brodie Wav

    Why are people against this lol

    Coomers have no self respect lmao

  • worldpeace

    Your a f***ing dumbass

    Bro I’m literally not wrong

  • Oct 31, 2021

    you said the soviet union had no influence on the US dropping the nuclear bombs on civilian targets - that was a demonstrable lie.

    "JFB still hoping for time, believing after atomic bomb, Japan will surrender and Russia will not get in so much on the kill, thereby being in a position to press for claims against China."
    -Walter Brown, assistant at the Potsdam Meeting

    as for the second point:

    at this point hitler had already killed himself and the Japanese Security Council already knew they were going to lose. They had hoped the USSR would honor their non-aggression pact - which the Soviet Union had already made plans to break and enter Manchuria.
    Internal documents show that Truman himself had written that the USSR's declaration of war against the Empire of Japan would have been enough to force the Japanese surrender without any US involvement in a land invasion. A US land invasion of Japan was completely off the table at this point.

    (also not sure what you mean when you say Japan wasn't gonna surrender and then two sentences later you say "they figured it was better to do an unconditional surrender")

    for your third argument:

    Hiroshima was in no way a tactical military target in the same way Kyoto was in no way a tactical military target. The critical criteria for Target Selection was

    "At the suggestion of Dr. Conant the Secretary agreed that the most desirable target would be a vital war plant employing a large number of workers and closely surrounded by workers' houses."

    I know you don't need me to explain what this means, but obviously this does not say "the target should be a target of extreme military significance" but instead says "drop the bomb somewhere with lots of people and stuff to make the biggest psychological impression on the Soviet Union".

    The reason Hiroshima was chosen was because it was - prior to the atomic bomb - relatively untouched by prior bombings due to its insignificance as a military target. Actually important military targets such as Tokyo had been firebombed for months and were in a state of total disarray.

    Both Nagasaki and Hiroshima were extremely populous relatively untouched cities providing the Target Selection Committee the most spectacular examples of what the nuclear bomb could do. As a matter of fact both cities were placed under a "No-Bomb-List" in order to preserve the cities as much as possible to provide the most dramatic contrast to emphasize the destructive capabilities of the atomic bombs. So much for "military importance".

    Alright I just woke up, this is the last reply since you don’t seem to understand why I even started this argument in the first place(You saying Hiroshima wasn’t a military target)

    • “The 2nd General Army and Chugoku Regional Army were headquartered in Hiroshima, and the Army Marine Headquarters was located at Ujina port. The city also had large depots of military supplies, and was a key center for shipping.”

    • Hiroshima Castle was a command center

    • Truman wasn’t worried about the Soviet Union as much as American lives being lost due to a land invasion.

    • Japan’s conditional surrender was just to see if the US would allow them to keep their annexed land and Emperor knowing the US wouldn’t accept it.

    • They planned on having the US being forced to invade the mainland which would allow them to try and kill as many Americans as possible and then call for a conditional surrender again, which would’ve played in their favor since Truman/US military didn’t plan on losing more men.

    • The USSR was supposed to be the middle man for the first or second conditional surrender but when they invaded Manchuria(Land Japan wanted to keep in China) they figured an unconditional surrender would’ve been the only way to make sure Japan isn’t completely destroyed.

    • Japan already wasn’t planning on surrender after the first two bombs and even killed those who opposed to continue the war after the second bomb dropped.

    • The US wasn’t afraid of the USSR invading mainland Japan because, guess what they had basically no Navy and no experience in a naval landing invasion like the US.

    I’m done replying now, this s*** is WAY off topic.

    Ontopic - There’s nothing wrong with a mom doing onlyfans and volunteer work, the only thing I care about is if the kid is going to be bullied once other kids find out what their mother does. It’s a Lose-Lose situation since it’s wack that the school is holding her back from helping and it’s also wack that her child has to deal with the consequences of their mom showing her body online. But f*** it, not my choice.

  • Oct 31, 2021

    Wtf going on itt 😵‍💫😵‍💫

  • Oct 31, 2021

    This thread still ain’t locked?

  • Nuja 🫶🏾
    Oct 31, 2021

    There’s what should happen and then there’s the truth.

    What should happen is as long as the content is in no way shape or from being intertwined with the kids it’s none of the schools business and she should not be penalized for what she does in her personal life if it’s disconnected from the school.

    The truth is working any government job or job involving children for money or volunteer it’s not a good look if you’re doing s***work. You can live in the white woman progressive fantasy world and think it won’t cause problems but it will. That’s something that isn’t going to change. It might not even ultimately be about the kids people are worried about. More likely it’s just Men not wanting women to do what they want with their bodies. But nonetheless we are not in a place in society nor will we be in our lifetime where it will be widely accepted to pursue s***work and certain public jobs

  • Oct 31, 2021

    I mean if they let guys who fly drones and kill kids all day volunteer whats wrong with someone who pops their p**** on the timeline to consenting adults?

    God this post is so f***ing stupid and all 61 niggas that liked it are stupid too.
