  • Jun 28, 2022
    1 reply

    i can't imagine someone could have a child and live to see them through to college only to blow everything on a bird twice but if that's really how it is good luck

  • also you could def sell that washer and dryer if they're in decent shape. hell you might end up needing one in college

  • Jun 28, 2022
    1 reply

    At a certain point you may have to try to disassociate yourself emotionally from the situation, if you feel that being involved with it is detrimental to your own progress and well-being. But like I said in the first post, gotta give it your all and try first. Should sit down with her and help her craft a budget based on her monthly income expenses. Definitely try to help sell a bunch of s*** off for capital if you can get over there anytime soon, before it all gets seized by UHaul.

  • Jun 28, 2022
    1 reply

    How the f*** is a parrot 8k? That parrot better be fluent in English

  • Jun 28, 2022
    3 replies

    How the f*** is a parrot 8k? That parrot better be fluent in English

    She probably bought an African Grey at the absolute top of its price range

  • Jun 28, 2022

    Only on KTT am I gonna read thread titles like this

  • Jun 28, 2022

    if this is real that's crazy

  • Jun 28, 2022

    This is exactly the type of dumb s*** my mom would do with a settlement and it's the precise reason why the inheritance she should've had is being routed to me. Damn, I really feel for OP

  • Jun 28, 2022

    The craziest part about all of this is you mentioning that this is not the first time that she specifically went broke buying a parrot...

  • your mom a bird, no offence. Hate it had to be you.

  • Jun 28, 2022
    1 reply

    Pictures of bird to assess the situation. I am a bird salesman.

  • Jun 28, 2022

    She probably bought an African Grey at the absolute top of its price range

    Mom was prolly hopin to flip it on some hov with art type game

  • Jun 28, 2022

    This is actually illegal under bird law. You need to report your mom to the authorities ASAP.

    I know a guy who may be able to help out

  • Jun 28, 2022
    1 reply

    "I have told her we can transfer the items from the storage to our garage but she doesn’t have the time so maybe if uHaul takes permanent ownership of the storage we won’t have to worry about it anymore."

    Not to be a d*** to your mom or anything but, wtf she doing to not have time? She don't have any money so it can't be working.

  • Jun 28, 2022

    $8k parrot

    How many months of rent is that for y'all OP?

  • OP
    Jun 28, 2022
    9 replies
    best poster

    Pictures of bird to assess the situation. I am a bird salesman.

  • OP
    Jun 28, 2022

    I know everybody wants to get their jokes off but I just want to pop in here to tell you that I feel your pain, man. I grew up with a single mom in Section 8 housing. Beyond not ever making much of an income herself and relying on the people around her / government assistance, she is just completely AWFUL with money management.

    She'll spend thousands of dollars on the most random, useless s*** like vintage dolls and random ass cake mixers, often putting it on credit cards, all while begging for handouts from her 93 y/o dad and her close friend to pay her bills for her.

    Anyway, I know how frustrating it is to witness that kind of money mismanagement. I would be hesitant to enable her complete and utter disregard for her financial stability by throwing money at the issue, because as you stated that it has happened before, well, it will happen again. And you'll continue paying the price for it while she gets off scott free. It's certainly a tough issue to balance with "well, f***, that's my mom and I want her to be okay" but enabling and bailing her out every time is not the move IMO.

    I'd try to have a discussion with her about how to better budget and manage her money. Maybe gift her something like a year of Financial Peace University if she promises to make a budget and watch some of the courses with you. Sell the f***ing parrot. Talk to her about the impact her decisions has on you. To be honest with you people like that are very likely stuck in their ways, but it's good to at least try and not give up hope completely before you've put some effort into helping. Make sure you get everything you might need out of the house and the storage unit, too.

    Thank you for this… I also tried having multiple discussions with her and other people have too. Her ex boyfriend tried to help but she just won’t listen.

  • OP
    Jun 28, 2022

    "I have told her we can transfer the items from the storage to our garage but she doesn’t have the time so maybe if uHaul takes permanent ownership of the storage we won’t have to worry about it anymore."

    Not to be a d*** to your mom or anything but, wtf she doing to not have time? She don't have any money so it can't be working.

    She works in a office and is a college mascot

  • OP
    Jun 28, 2022

    She probably bought an African Grey at the absolute top of its price range

    It is a blue and gold macaw. She didn’t even tell me she was doing it or else I would have told her not to. She didn’t tell me until a week before she picked him up.

  • Jun 28, 2022

    She probably bought an African Grey at the absolute top of its price range

    I’m crying man

  • Jun 28, 2022

    I’d break the lease and leave

  • Jun 28, 2022
    1 reply

    am i trippin or does the bird look dirty

  • Jun 28, 2022
    2 replies

    Bro your mom got SCAM scammed those s***s go for MAX $4k