I never took his music serious as it was but this song made me absolutely despise his existence
JT has performed at the super bowl halftime twice and people only remember 1 of them, for a bad reason
just cuz you’re remembered doesn’t mean it’s for a good reason. That X cypher moment one of the corniest of all time
What are you even talking about bro
Ktt calls all of x artistic statements corny but they are all classics and no one will remember anythingn else from that cypher besides him. Same s*** with that 17 cover. Ktt=corny. Public=classic.
That xxl cypher was some real edge lord s***
And seventeen was universally panned
Soon as I heard “right foot up left foot slide”
out of all the disappointing songs on scorpion u pick that one?
Which one is more trash?
Chance The Rapper has the most annoying voice I have ever heard
This is what people think Eminem sounds like when he raps fast
no they didnt use it
you could just see/mayb hear it i cant remember it in one of the promo vids leading up to the cypher
Yeah Logic ruined his career with Bobby Tarantino.
Dude really went from cool to just flat out trash in one mixtape
Chance might be one of the most disappointing rappers in recent years tbfh
And that's saying a lot
Oh my god I’ve never seen this i will never be able to unsee this