mans looked like what the linkin park "in the end" instrumental sound like
It was his first album after Nori was born, embracing the Dad vibes ”whatcha want, a boss or an RNB nigga with a six pack?”
Doubt Nori wanted to imagine her moms bleached a****** juice on her fathers $500 white tee
Just accept Kanye been cringe for a minute now
Doubt Nori wanted to imagine her moms bleached a****** juice on her fathers $500 white tee
Just accept Kanye been cringe for a minute now
You’re taking the song way too serious fam, it flows with the Pt 1 theme perfectly
Rap Devil was a heater MGK ether’d that man
When he pulled out the “last time you saw 8 Mile was at home on a treadmill” line
When he pulled out the “last time you saw 8 Mile was at home on a treadmill” line
The real slim shady can't stand up
When he pulled out the “last time you saw 8 Mile was at home on a treadmill” line
He was 100% correct in the basis of the song which is that Eminem is just a corny angry old man
He was 100% correct in the basis of the song which is that Eminem is just a corny angry old man
100%. “You’re not getting better with time Eminem, it’s fine, put down the pen”
Lmao Christ every line on that song had me doing the stank face f***ing MGK making me do the stank face
Lmao Christ every line on that song had me doing the stank face f***ing MGK making me do the stank face
That’s when you know it’s time for Eminem to hang it up
You’re taking the song way too serious fam, it flows with the Pt 1 theme perfectly
I just have standards
someone please put this nigga back on the psychedelics
That xxl cypher was some real edge lord s***
And seventeen was universally panned
seventeen is loved by general audiences nowadays so.....
seventeen is loved by general audiences nowadays so.....
I don’t think it is tbh. At least outside of his fanbase: never see anyone mention it among the best projects
no they didnt use it
you could just see/mayb hear it i cant remember it in one of the promo vids leading up to the cypher
S***tie Redd coming in with a contender
s*** looks fire af
"Fear will be plentiful, death will be bountiful
I will spare none of you peasants"
s*** is so corny bro
I don’t think it is tbh. At least outside of his fanbase: never see anyone mention it among the best projects
i dont hear no one mention his projects anywhere lol
but i always hear F*** LOVE every where. from functions to passing cars with open windows
i dont hear no one mention his projects anywhere lol
but i always hear F*** LOVE every where. from functions to passing cars with open windows
That song itself is def a classic
"Fear will be plentiful, death will be bountiful
I will spare none of you peasants"
s*** is so corny bro
i posted the unrelease freestyles he did. he did like 5 different verses. the one that xxl released was the fear with be plentiful, death will be bountiful" verse.
at least he had some fun before he drew a magic circle and started summoning demons lol
cool music vid....never heard this dude. what made you not take him serious after this?