This is NOT true at all. Materialism is the worst mindset anyone can have.
you need a lot of money to not be materialistic
you need a lot of money to not be materialistic
This goes into the legendary quotes book tbh
i rly don't know much but s*** i know a secret
they say mo money mo problems, don't believe it
i rly don't know much but s*** i know a secret
they say mo money mo problems, don't believe it
I mean sure there's some bills and taxes I'm still evading
But I just blew 30 mil and I feel amazin
"I've been a rich man and I've been a poor man. And I'm choosing rich every f***ing time."
They invade your minds and then fill them with nonsense
these things that a man doesn't need
Take out the love and the passion and hope
and they fill it with nothing but greed
Nah not totally. Dont get me wrong it will make someone happier than they are though.
Thats the way the world currently is, money is the main thing everyone needs. Wish is was different.
It def would make things ALOT easier but it isn’t the key to happiness. It’ll solve issues but at the end of the day your mental issues could still be trash forever