  • Water Giver ๐Ÿ’ง
    Updated Mar 3

    A thread for everything Monster Hunter AKA one of the greatest gaming series of all time!


    "Monster Hunter is a Japanese media franchise centered around a series of fantasy-themed action role-playing video games that started with the game Monster Hunter for PlayStation 2, released in 2004. Titles have been released across a variety of platforms, including personal computers, home consoles, portable consoles, and mobile devices. The series is developed and published by Capcom."

    "The games are primarily action role-playing games. The player takes the role of a Hunter, slaying or trapping large monsters across various landscapes as part of quests given to them by locals, with some quests involving the gathering of a certain item or items, which may put the Hunter at risk of facing various monsters. As part of its core gameplay loop, players use loot gained from slaying monsters, gathering resources, and quest rewards to craft improved weapons, armor, and other items that allow them to face more powerful monsters. All main series titles feature multiplayer (usually up to four players cooperatively), but can also be played single player." - Monster Hunter Wikipedia

    • Also for those that might be confused (this is usually confusing to newcommers), every game (or "gen") in the main series has a "Ultimate" version of itself a year or two later usually (but not always) on a different console with new & old added areas, monsters, characters, graphics update & unique storyline on top of all the other previous stuff of the original title. Similar to old Pokemon, but more in-depth (Example: Monster Hunter Generations - 3DS & Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate - Nintendo Switch). Nowadays though so far, they've been doing it as DLC expansions since the PS4/X1 era. Monster Hunter World to Monster Hunter World: Iceborne of X1/PS4/PC, & on Switch Monster Hunter Rise to Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak. The one difference/outlier so far is that the Western world did not get OG MH4, we got just MH4 Ultimate while Japan had both as usual.

    Here are the mainline titles of the Western World so far in order + the Stories side games:



    • MHWilds Trailers:

    • MHWilds Gameplay Showcase Tour:



    MHR: SUNBREAK EXPANSION - JUNE 30TH 2022 OUT NOW - Nintendo Switch + PC (NOW OUT ON PS5 & XSERIES SINCE 2023) ๐Ÿšจ


    Does this have multiplayer?

    • Yes. Up to four people can play together at once to hunt monsters through online. Including standard story mode. Either with friends you know, or with randoms. You can opt in & opt out of multiplayer play anytime as well. You can play with anyone as well no matter how far you or they are in the game. The group does what the room leader ultimately chooses.

    Can I play this singleplayer?

    • Yes. It has the option to play solo & is completely doable. I play mostly singleplayer myself in all modes. Your progress will also be the same in singleplayer & multiplayer. There is also a story campaign.

    Who is this game for & should I play it?

    • Maybe. I would recommend it of course. If you're into action rpg games & arent afraid of a challenge, then go for it if it looks interesting! It is a bit challenging but not as tough as something like the Souls series. The newer titles are also a mix between fast & slow combat, but doesnt go to the heights of a Devil May Cry games nor as slow as like a Souls. It is its own completely unique thing that started a subgenre of its traits just like Souls (there are MH-like games out there too).

    Do I have to play the others to understand this one or to play it?

    • No. Every title is pretty much standalone. They only share mechanics, monsters & sometimes locations (and very rarely characters). Each set of games is its own thing with its own unique twist that set it apart from the others. Kinda like Final Fantasy or Pokemon.

    What do you do in the series?

    • You're a hunter as a profession that hunts various monsters for clients & to protect your village(s). Every weapon class plays completely different from each other (so if you dont like one, try something else) & the main gameplay loop is about you finding & fighting one to three various main monsters in a gigantic open area that can take 5 to 30mins. In most missions you have a max of 50mins to slain or capture it before it runs away from the area, which shouldn't be an issue unless you're majorly messing around. The timelimit for most fights (outside of optional challenges) isnt tight & mainly there for immersion reasons, so don't worry. Every monster is basically a boss fight.

    What would you recommend to start out with?

    • Either Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak or Monster Hunter Wilds. They are both the easiest to get & the most accessible of the series! And an HM to Monster Hunter World: Iceborne!

    How is this game/series supported?

    • In general the current main game will have free updates of additional monsters, missions, events, patches & armor sets. After about a year, a paid expansion with a new storyline, lots of monsters, armor, weapons, characters & area will be released. That will also be supported with the free content updates as well for about a year. Then there will be a cooldown period before the next game typically comes out. They support the game for 2 to 3 years, then ramp up for the next sequel.

    Get Info about the series, talk about it & join up with others in various titles here!


    My Switch Friend Code if you want to add me:

    • SW-8096-2121-7048 (WaterMan24)

    My Sony Username if you want to add me:

    • Water_Giver

    My Steam Username if you want to add me:

    • EYE_CU_2020


  • Water Giver ๐Ÿ’ง
    Jan 24, 2022

    Yall heard about the 1st person VR Monster Hunter experience they're doing in Universal Studios Japan? I need it

    "Monster Hunter fans planning to visit Universal Studios Japan in 2022 might want to start preparing their bodies for a serious workout. This is because the upcoming Monster Hunter VR attraction at Universal Studios Japan, titled "Monster Hunter World: Iceborne XR WALK", requires participants to lug around 8 kilograms (around 18 pounds) worth of gear for 25 minutes, among other physical demands."

    A VR mod for MHW & MHR on PC in the 3rd person exists too:

    But i need that real thing bro bro

  • Jan 24, 2022

    I'm here

  • Jan 24, 2022

    love it

  • Jan 24, 2022
    1 reply

    Monster Hunter Freedom

  • Jan 24, 2022


  • Water Giver ๐Ÿ’ง
    Jan 25, 2022
  • Water Giver ๐Ÿ’ง
    Jan 25, 2022

    Monster Hunter Freedom

    MH Freedom 2 was my first one

    PSP top 5 game system all time!

  • Jan 25, 2022
    1 reply

    Playing Rise for a decent amount of time since the PC release, I think Rise took a few steps forward with a good amount of stuff but also a lot of steps backward from World.

    I gotta let my thoughts meld once I really reach endgame after I finish the 7 star hub quests and do the endgame fights, but I think my biggest problem with the game is that current level wirebugs feel like they were tuned for G-rank in mind and are way too powerful for LR/HR. Like if they started out base World with the clutch claw instead of the slinger.

  • Jan 25, 2022

    Is it weird I've been playing since og 2004 ps2 but I have less interest in rise?

    Don't really know what expansion is but I finished rise end game

  • Nayuta ๐Ÿฏ
    Jan 25, 2022

    Didnโ€™t really play much of rise lost interest soon after

  • Water Giver ๐Ÿ’ง
    Jan 25, 2022
    1 reply

    Playing Rise for a decent amount of time since the PC release, I think Rise took a few steps forward with a good amount of stuff but also a lot of steps backward from World.

    I gotta let my thoughts meld once I really reach endgame after I finish the 7 star hub quests and do the endgame fights, but I think my biggest problem with the game is that current level wirebugs feel like they were tuned for G-rank in mind and are way too powerful for LR/HR. Like if they started out base World with the clutch claw instead of the slinger.

    Agreed. Rise has many things that make it amazing but it also took many things backwards from a veteran perspective.

    I do think its the best for newcommers & overall a really great game, but as a straight up Monster Hunter title it pisses me off in some things lol.

    Like the hunting prep is almost non existent with how they took away hot drinks & cold drinks, not searching for monsters & amongst a few others. They "cheapened" out on some monsters, such as having baby versions of monsters but for some reason not their grown fullself such as Basarios but no Gravios, Zamites but no Zamtrios, Great Wroggi, Great Baggi, little Jaggis but no Great Jaggi (this one is really confusing along with Gravios lol), Aknaktor etc. Its something they literally never done before and i hope it never happens again.

    The expansion is suppose to be their biggest one yet, which im excited for. Tons of monsters & multiple new locales. I hope they bring back all the monsters they cheapened as well such as the ones above along with Tseucabra, Great Jagras etc. It seems to have a big story focus & the monster reveals so far look great. I think its really promising and will bring me back.

    The gameplay, movement & "freedom" in rise is the best its ever been plus the monster tower defense mode is interesting and i love that, but the almost non hunter prep, lowest ever time to kill, the weird halfassed og story (which isnt an issue anymore, but it was) & the missing of essential monsters makes no sense. The lowered time to kill & missing monsters makes me the most annoyed.

    Im really looking forward to Sunbreak, but as of now im personally off of Rise except for the occasional times i boot it up to complete an added regular fight Apex quest, which those are also genuinely great.

  • Water Giver ๐Ÿ’ง
    Jan 25, 2022

    @MyNight @RWK

    Yeah i just responded to my loves n def hates of rise above โฌ†๏ธ

    Ive been playing off n on since the Tigrex PSP one. Played Freedom 2, MH3 + 3Ultimate, Generations, MHW + Ice & now Rise.

    Im excited for Sunbreak, and aside from the Apex quests that get added here n there, im off it until Sunbreak.

  • Water Giver ๐Ÿ’ง
    Jan 25, 2022

    Im actually about to start playing MH Generations Ultimate for the first time on switch lol. I only played the original on 3DS.

    Im excited & its what I'll play (along with Elden Ring) until Sunbreak in the Summer.

    MHW felt like a good in-between of the "hardcore" old era & the new quality of life era.

    MHR feels like it went to far ahead into the new & left behind a lot of the MH identity & literal genre.

    Still a good game & perfect for newcommers, but as an actual MH game itself especially for those already accustomed to the series, its disappointing.

  • Jan 26, 2022
    1 reply
    Water Giver

    Agreed. Rise has many things that make it amazing but it also took many things backwards from a veteran perspective.

    I do think its the best for newcommers & overall a really great game, but as a straight up Monster Hunter title it pisses me off in some things lol.

    Like the hunting prep is almost non existent with how they took away hot drinks & cold drinks, not searching for monsters & amongst a few others. They "cheapened" out on some monsters, such as having baby versions of monsters but for some reason not their grown fullself such as Basarios but no Gravios, Zamites but no Zamtrios, Great Wroggi, Great Baggi, little Jaggis but no Great Jaggi (this one is really confusing along with Gravios lol), Aknaktor etc. Its something they literally never done before and i hope it never happens again.

    The expansion is suppose to be their biggest one yet, which im excited for. Tons of monsters & multiple new locales. I hope they bring back all the monsters they cheapened as well such as the ones above along with Tseucabra, Great Jagras etc. It seems to have a big story focus & the monster reveals so far look great. I think its really promising and will bring me back.

    The gameplay, movement & "freedom" in rise is the best its ever been plus the monster tower defense mode is interesting and i love that, but the almost non hunter prep, lowest ever time to kill, the weird halfassed og story (which isnt an issue anymore, but it was) & the missing of essential monsters makes no sense. The lowered time to kill & missing monsters makes me the most annoyed.

    Im really looking forward to Sunbreak, but as of now im personally off of Rise except for the occasional times i boot it up to complete an added regular fight Apex quest, which those are also genuinely great.

    I agree with a lot of these points. I'm not a "veteran" or anything, I've only played GU, World, and Rise.

    I think the biggest common denominator is that the game is CLEARLY unfinished in a lot of ways. A lot of diehard MH stans say that the base game of MH's are always barebones, but I heavily disagree. It might be true pre-Generations, but both World and Generations had a good amount of content. World launched with not too much, but had a strong roadmap and while the endgame wasn't crazy, it still had quite a bit to do hunting-wise (not to mention it introduced 21 NEW monsters iirc).

    I can already see with Rise as I'm starting to trudge through early endgame that there's not gonna be much to do. I have a handful of monsters left (I just beat Chameleos, who FYI was a great fight, I love this dude) and it just doesn't feel finished in many ways. Not to mention, the Apex monsters for some reason DON'T have their own armor sets or special layered pieces or anything. Their mats are strictly used for Rampage weapons. Which is a bummer, because they're fun fights, but there's not much reason to do them rewards-wise.

    World/Iceborne wasn't perfect by any means but I can excuse them because it was such a massive leap of faith for the series. It was a big return to consoles. And Gen, for all its problems (and it had plenty), just had a ton of fun content to get through. Rise doesn't really have that excuse, and I think the "COVID delayed everything blah blah" s*** can only really go so far.

    That's just my rant, my bad. I'm also slightly salty that they f***ed over Gunlance's shelling and overall damage yet again, but at least Blast Dash and Ground Splitter are sick. I think Sunbreak is going to really, really improve the game though. I'm optimistic they can turn it around, and if not, s***, there's always Iceborne and GU.

  • Jan 26, 2022

    this game GOAT

  • Jan 26, 2022
    1 reply

    Hammer bros wwa

  • Water Giver ๐Ÿ’ง
    Jan 26, 2022
    1 reply

    I agree with a lot of these points. I'm not a "veteran" or anything, I've only played GU, World, and Rise.

    I think the biggest common denominator is that the game is CLEARLY unfinished in a lot of ways. A lot of diehard MH stans say that the base game of MH's are always barebones, but I heavily disagree. It might be true pre-Generations, but both World and Generations had a good amount of content. World launched with not too much, but had a strong roadmap and while the endgame wasn't crazy, it still had quite a bit to do hunting-wise (not to mention it introduced 21 NEW monsters iirc).

    I can already see with Rise as I'm starting to trudge through early endgame that there's not gonna be much to do. I have a handful of monsters left (I just beat Chameleos, who FYI was a great fight, I love this dude) and it just doesn't feel finished in many ways. Not to mention, the Apex monsters for some reason DON'T have their own armor sets or special layered pieces or anything. Their mats are strictly used for Rampage weapons. Which is a bummer, because they're fun fights, but there's not much reason to do them rewards-wise.

    World/Iceborne wasn't perfect by any means but I can excuse them because it was such a massive leap of faith for the series. It was a big return to consoles. And Gen, for all its problems (and it had plenty), just had a ton of fun content to get through. Rise doesn't really have that excuse, and I think the "COVID delayed everything blah blah" s*** can only really go so far.

    That's just my rant, my bad. I'm also slightly salty that they f***ed over Gunlance's shelling and overall damage yet again, but at least Blast Dash and Ground Splitter are sick. I think Sunbreak is going to really, really improve the game though. I'm optimistic they can turn it around, and if not, s***, there's always Iceborne and GU.

    My b taking a bit to respond I missed the notif, but nah u good

    U def played enough to where ur accustomed already imo, but regardless Rise is def undercooked I agree, like i said they had to come out with a patch 2 months later for the "real" ending & boss fight & they didnt even have ANY elder dragons aside from the one to two new ones for months as well, thats just two examples, which has never been done (they always had a few more new elders as well before this one)

    If Covid is the issue then it should have just been delayed, point blank. It was/is missing way too much & soften on way too much. I forgot about the no armor for Apex's too, so dumb thats not there & its an easy way to keep people busy postgame (which a postgame doesnt even really exist outside of Apex events either, which again is a first). Even if it was a simple recolour with buffed stats & edited flavor text lol.

    And yeah base games do intrinsically have less, but they are never missing literal features & the like of the stuff we mentioned with Rise, never. Its literally just less mons, map, armours & weapons but otherwise the whole game is there lmao & the expansion adds more, as its suppose to do for any game. That's just cope from some of the community. Just look at base world. Iceborne only added onto the already full experience, but the features & framework was there since day 1.

    That's why I think Sunbreak being the "biggest expansion yet" is not only due to new stuff, but is at least partly due to them correcting the mishaps of base Rise such as missing monsters, armors, events etc.

    Some of the framework such as shorten time to kill & how the monster is automatically tagged in a hunt without any searching wont be fixed since its just inherently just part of this one's setup, but they can def fix most of the other things.

    And no excuse, they should.

  • Water Giver ๐Ÿ’ง
    Jan 26, 2022

    Hammer bros wwa

    Today I'm a Switch Axe (which is OP in Rise) main that dabbles in Long Sword & Bow here n there

    I was Long Sword main that dabbled in Hammer n Bow until World n Generations.

  • Water Giver ๐Ÿ’ง
    Jan 26, 2022
    1 reply

    My fav top 2 Monster Hunter so far are MH3U & MHW:I

    GU will probably def become top 3 as I play through it up to the release of Sunbreak. I'll talk about my experiences with it here n there itt too.

    I didnt play MH4 (even tho i heard it is amazing and usually considered top 1 to 2 in the series) because I think the 3DS was a terrible platform for the series. PSP was a better feeling handheld comfort wise & screen. I played OG MH3 on Wii (OG is only on wii) & MH3U on Wii U instead of 3DS. MH3 is also what made me fully love the series.

    I forced myself to play base Generations on 3DS because of the craziness of it, and even tho i got far, i didnt fully finish because of it being on 3DS. 3DS has games I do like that I do think work on there, but MH imo was a bad fit there mechanically even tho its where its popularity started to shine in the West.

    So glad its on consoles now again since MH3U/World tho.

  • Water Giver ๐Ÿ’ง
    Jan 26, 2022
    1 reply
    Water Giver

    My b taking a bit to respond I missed the notif, but nah u good

    U def played enough to where ur accustomed already imo, but regardless Rise is def undercooked I agree, like i said they had to come out with a patch 2 months later for the "real" ending & boss fight & they didnt even have ANY elder dragons aside from the one to two new ones for months as well, thats just two examples, which has never been done (they always had a few more new elders as well before this one)

    If Covid is the issue then it should have just been delayed, point blank. It was/is missing way too much & soften on way too much. I forgot about the no armor for Apex's too, so dumb thats not there & its an easy way to keep people busy postgame (which a postgame doesnt even really exist outside of Apex events either, which again is a first). Even if it was a simple recolour with buffed stats & edited flavor text lol.

    And yeah base games do intrinsically have less, but they are never missing literal features & the like of the stuff we mentioned with Rise, never. Its literally just less mons, map, armours & weapons but otherwise the whole game is there lmao & the expansion adds more, as its suppose to do for any game. That's just cope from some of the community. Just look at base world. Iceborne only added onto the already full experience, but the features & framework was there since day 1.

    That's why I think Sunbreak being the "biggest expansion yet" is not only due to new stuff, but is at least partly due to them correcting the mishaps of base Rise such as missing monsters, armors, events etc.

    Some of the framework such as shorten time to kill & how the monster is automatically tagged in a hunt without any searching wont be fixed since its just inherently just part of this one's setup, but they can def fix most of the other things.

    And no excuse, they should.

    Just realized too we dont have any Siege Quests either nor any talks of any for Rise yet.

    While World had the Kulve siege quests a way before Iceborne and it had a big buildup lol.

    Kulve started in Nov 2018 when World came out in Aug 2018

    Iceborne was September 2019.

    Nevermind all the additional mons iceborne had such as Deviljho, Lunastra etc. on top of its already solid roster before Ice in the planned out roadmap.

    Imagine how dope something like a Dalamadurr siege or similar in rise with the wirebug mechanics would be. So much missed potential that hopefully gets fixed.

  • Jan 26, 2022
    1 reply
    Water Giver

    My fav top 2 Monster Hunter so far are MH3U & MHW:I

    GU will probably def become top 3 as I play through it up to the release of Sunbreak. I'll talk about my experiences with it here n there itt too.

    I didnt play MH4 (even tho i heard it is amazing and usually considered top 1 to 2 in the series) because I think the 3DS was a terrible platform for the series. PSP was a better feeling handheld comfort wise & screen. I played OG MH3 on Wii (OG is only on wii) & MH3U on Wii U instead of 3DS. MH3 is also what made me fully love the series.

    I forced myself to play base Generations on 3DS because of the craziness of it, and even tho i got far, i didnt fully finish because of it being on 3DS. 3DS has games I do like that I do think work on there, but MH imo was a bad fit there mechanically even tho its where its popularity started to shine in the West.

    So glad its on consoles now again since MH3U/World tho.

    Lost my 400+ hour save file on MHW and cant bring myself to replay it. Might restart iceborne tho

  • Water Giver ๐Ÿ’ง
    Jan 26, 2022

    Lost my 400+ hour save file on MHW and cant bring myself to replay it. Might restart iceborne tho


    Rip. If ur on PC maybe you can make a replay more tolerable with mods. I play console but I know there's some crazy ones out there.

  • Jan 26, 2022
    1 reply
    Water Giver

    Just realized too we dont have any Siege Quests either nor any talks of any for Rise yet.

    While World had the Kulve siege quests a way before Iceborne and it had a big buildup lol.

    Kulve started in Nov 2018 when World came out in Aug 2018

    Iceborne was September 2019.

    Nevermind all the additional mons iceborne had such as Deviljho, Lunastra etc. on top of its already solid roster before Ice in the planned out roadmap.

    Imagine how dope something like a Dalamadurr siege or similar in rise with the wirebug mechanics would be. So much missed potential that hopefully gets fixed.

    They got no excuse for not bringing in Dalamadur and Deviljho (keep Lunastra tho, f*** that b****). But to be honest, I wish they'd put a heavy emphasis again on bringing in new monsters. I love seeing new monsters since they keep the game fresh and it's learning a whole boss fight for the first time + refining your gameplay to beat them.

    Hell will freeze over the day MH doesn't add a Rathalos and Rathian in a game.

  • Water Giver ๐Ÿ’ง
    Jan 27, 2022

    They got no excuse for not bringing in Dalamadur and Deviljho (keep Lunastra tho, f*** that b****). But to be honest, I wish they'd put a heavy emphasis again on bringing in new monsters. I love seeing new monsters since they keep the game fresh and it's learning a whole boss fight for the first time + refining your gameplay to beat them.

    Hell will freeze over the day MH doesn't add a Rathalos and Rathian in a game.

    Same. The new mons in Rise & the two that are previewed for SB are dope & most of them shake up the standard.

    The rumor is that Sunbreak new mons will all be European medieval myth based such as the Dracula-like Elder flagship & werewolf monster. Like how the new mons of base rise were all Japanese myth focused such as Gossharag is Oni-based etc.

    I like a mix of noth old n new. But yeah Rathian n Rathalos will always be in every single title, theyre the over arching mascot/flagship & legacy

    Seems like Sunbreak is bringing back more of the unique one-off skeletons such as the crabs which is exciting & how base Rise brought back spiders. Hopefully we get a whole new crab as well etc.
