@The_Man change title original title with (Albums title in quotations)
Or ask the question “is title the most disappointing......”
More clicks and more of a discussion.
awt fire to me. for me the most disappointing album is the don toliver one hated that project so much especially since donny womack fire
Me too I thought Don Toliver was about to snap
I don’t play anything from that album MAYBE No Idea
Don toliver forsure
It's his first project. I wouldn't call it a disappointment. It's more of a sampler of his potential. There were some really good songs on there.
It's his first project. I wouldn't call it a disappointment. It's more of a sampler of his potential. There were some really good songs on there.
Donny Womack way more versatile, Heaven or hell reminds me of birds in the trap it all sounds like one song. Can’t feel my legs and no idea the best songs on there and they were out months before it dropped
It's his first project. I wouldn't call it a disappointment. It's more of a sampler of his potential. There were some really good songs on there.
Nah Jack Boys had a star in their hands and they didn’t do nothing with him
With better guidance it would’ve been a great album
taylor swift for one
This was actually one of my biggest surprises of the year, never liked her music before
Nah Jack Boys had a star in their hands and they didn’t do nothing with him
With better guidance it would’ve been a great album
I can admit that. It felt rushed and unfinished. But they pushed it out quickly to follow up on his buzz.
Next project has to be better.
It really was terrible
It ain’t terrible it’s just forgettable af besides the singles. Same melodies and similar production over the whole tape. Went from a huge fan excited to see what dude has to offer to not caring about him at all hes still got potential tho and I’ll peep whatever he drops
The Man has chose violence this weekend. I rate it
You aren't wrong Dan