Slime Season 3/I'm Up
Speeding bullet 2 heaven
Everything The Weeknd dropped after Kissland
I hopped off the hype wagon when the title got changed from Views From the 6 to just Views. Still ended up being one of his more solid releases, way better than Scorpion
I just remember holding out hope, trying to remember how solid some of the pre-release material like Can I or Days in the East was, even though Summer 16 was mid and I wasn’t f***ing with One Dance or Pop Style at all. Drake’s promo for the album was incredible and I was hyped despite a lurking suspicion that this wasn’t gonna be the classic Drake was touting it to be for 3 yrs. those Frank Sinatra horns started up on the Intro and I was excited for a minute ...
but the second this nigga said “I always saw you for what you coulda been ... like when Chrysler made that one car that look just like the Bentley” I knew it was gonna be a bumpy ride
colour in anything and coloring book. within a week of eachother too. both of them had a period of denial where i didnt want to admit i was a little let down.
why was that hyped for u, em was already going downhill and the tracklist was terrible
why was that hyped for u, em was already going downhill and the tracklist was terrible
just after a 4 year wait i was expecting something big but true when the tracklist came out it was already an indicator of madness lmao
Views. I was still good tho ig.
Mbdtf. One good song. Everything else is terrible
Disappointing on first couple listen: MBDTF because I was hoping for a lot of new music since almost everything leaked anyway.. turned out to be best album later
Man you not alone
Took me awhile to appreciate it for what it was
Now it’s my favorite album oat