Craig Bond deserves some love too, suit game is nuts
sean connery will always be the best dressed bond for me tbh
some actors kind of view it as going “method” some just do it to differentiate their character from other roles (i.e. kelv harrison jr in waves), its also just cool as hell, gonna do it soon when i go back to low cut and waves
Yeah I got long hair rn and keep contemplating wanting to cut my s*** all the way off and going blonde
Is this a French film by any chance ?
yes, la haine, highly recommend it
Yeah I got long hair rn and keep contemplating wanting to cut my s*** all the way off and going blonde
good looks my g
@CodeOfSilence this thread is gassssss
Craig Bond deserves some love too, suit game is nuts
You can get his whole wardrobe at JC Penny.
most stylish movies
...and you can cop this basic fit at Wal-Mart, lol.
...and you can cop this basic fit at Wal-Mart, lol.
The budget was so low for Reservoir Dogs the actors had to bring their own Black suits. The only item provided on set was the black tie lol one of the actors had on black jeans and Michael Madsen wore cowboy boots because that is all he had at the time.