I’m on a secret one that’s actually pretty popping. A lot of industry guys are on there too and post a bunch of early versions of songs or whatever. It’s pretty sick, probably the same amount of traffic as here
so ur saying ktt2 is more active ?
overall maybe not but for the user base it has its dead
the only sub reddits that are popping are basically pure s***posting like the carti one or like chiraqology
artist specific subreddits can be decent but they’re usually not very popular, and the quality of posts is usually inversely proportionate to the size
hip hop heads used to be popping in like 2016/17 but is basically a ghost town now, if you sort by top posts it’s all stuff from 5 years ago
i think the upvote format is pretty bad for music discussion compared to a traditional type forum where active threads stay at the top,
why would you post this on here? knowing ktt is the greatest music forum this world has ever seen