How about at 18 my mother saying unprompted she'd work an extra job to pay for a nose job for me. (which is cap anyway since my parents are affluent.)
Idk, the good news is that for guys, big noses aren't necessarily a terrible thing. Big nose= masculine. Small nose = feminine. I'd rather have a big nose than a tiny nose as a guy. It would be harder for a woman, if you have a big nose you really are a disadvantage because it can over-masculinize you.
I'd say embrace it, work on the important things like building muscle, paying good money for a haircut. (the amount of attention I starting getting from girls when I paid 100+ on haircuts is insane)
Also asymmetry is not necessarily a bad thing, unless it's really excessive. If your nose is just crooked and not big, you can also do non-invasive filler surgeries, which aren't too expensive. (Or you can go to Turkey and get it done for 3k)
real ones know big nosed women are sexy
I have a perfect nose
In the same boat, my nose is crooked to the point where it’s noticeable. Even had a buddy of mine point it out yesterday, made me feel even more self conscious about my nose. I’ll be honest, it makes my face appear obviously asymmetrical
Don’t get a nose job as a man, wth
Grow facial hair and you’re completely fine
Most people that have had nose jobs you barely notice. My friend did and I was admiring how perfect her nose was then she told me she got it done.
Sadly we all got different insecurities.
My nose isnt one of them but my skinny calves
or my forehead
I feel like you say that, but the only ones you tend to notice are the botch jobs, or ill conceived ones.
Bet you don’t recognize the majority of them.
She also gets Botox, lip filler and has fake t*** i love my create a character
Like Kim style plastic surgery or bimbo doll style?
I don’t like knowing or learning when anyone gets cosmetic surgery, it always makes me look at them differently
I feel like you say that, but the only ones you tend to notice are the botch jobs, or ill conceived ones.
Bet you don’t recognize the majority of them.
There are some crazy subtle nosejobs out there, Taylor Swift has one
Honestly the way she goes about plastic surgery is pretty genius, like she changes her character creator sliders by 1% every year and no-one notices
real ones know big nosed women are sexy
Yes true I'm just speaking to general standards
100% agree
one of my coworkers has a similar shape nose as the before pic tweet above and I gave her a small compliment on it earlier this week and she said "you just made my whole day, maybe even my whole month"