  • May 6, 2023

    Nah, make your "friends" sit in a gross hot tub. I don't care about a vid of you doing charity

  • May 6, 2023
    Water Giver

    Mr. Beast is the millionaire that people want millionaires to be but somehow still find a way to be mad

    The only sus thing is his thumbnails, everything else is pretty much a blessing lol

    i just figured niggas who get upset by it we’re just w miserable it is what it is


  • May 7, 2023
    1 reply
    Water Giver

    Mr. Beast is the millionaire that people want millionaires to be but somehow still find a way to be mad

    The only sus thing is his thumbnails, everything else is pretty much a blessing lol

    Eh, he does vids with cops and the FBI and dangled money in front of strangers to do weird stuff.

    This is fine though. Idk why anyone would watch it but it's fine

  • Mountain Dude

    I volunteer at my local homeless shelter and don't film it.

    Good for you. Volunteering is free. These machines cost money.

  • May 7, 2023
    1 reply

    Fix the lead pipes in flint. Unless you are going to film it. Then don’t do it.

  • May 7, 2023

    Fix the lead pipes in flint. Unless you are going to film it. Then don’t do it.

    Private solutions to public problems. Beast is making a profit. It's cost benefit. It doesn't scale to stuff like that.

  • May 7, 2023

    mr beast is the second coming of christ

  • May 7, 2023

    Help some real victims, get 1000 hair transplants for balding men mr. beast

  • May 7, 2023


  • May 7, 2023

    But its interesting to see how there is a divide between people when it comes to mr beast - 1 group likes what he does which makes sense but the other group hates him (which is kinda hard to grasp) - i mean why would you hate a guy thats doing this s***?

    I feel most people dont like how he has to post it on youtube - like he gets views out of it + good PR.

    It comes across as not so genuine - which is even more sinister (I'm just tryna think like the people that hate on the guy)

    could this be the case? Like the equation is simple:

    Mr Beast makes a video helping many people - what does he get out of it?

    1- Views
    2- Money (which he obivously reinvests in helping people
    3- The good PR (Now this s*** is something that is priceless for mr beast - This aspect I feel he gets the hates for imo)

    just saying - also, I just woke up so I'm sleepy and nothing else to do so I just wrote this - i actually couldnt care less about mr beast tbh - i dont care about this dude that much - its just passing time.

  • May 7, 2023

    Mr beast: Can I cure your deafness

    Deaf individual: Yes

    Mr beast: Ok, do you mind if I record you and the entire process to post on YouTube

    Deaf individual: I’d prefer not

    Mr beast:

  • Kengi 💭
    May 7, 2023
    3 replies
    Water Giver

    Mr. Beast is the millionaire that people want millionaires to be but somehow still find a way to be mad

    The only sus thing is his thumbnails, everything else is pretty much a blessing lol

    I dont think the people want millionaires at all they would prefer systemic change where the getting hearing aids isnt tied to the mercy of a random 20 year old millionaire thinking it would make for a good video

  • May 7, 2023

    I dont think the people want millionaires at all they would prefer systemic change where the getting hearing aids isnt tied to the mercy of a random 20 year old millionaire thinking it would make for a good video


  • May 7, 2023

    I'm of the camp that the state should be taking care of this for people, or at the very least it should be much more affordable

    But, as much as the dude gives me bad vibes, he's doing an objectively good thing here, we don't currently live in a world where most people can afford this kind of treatment, and if you have a lot of money, this kind of thing is some of the best stuff you could be doing with it

    People tie themselves into a pretzel trying to argue that it's a bad thing, but the dude, clout and branding aside, is paying for 1000s of people's healthcare

  • May 7, 2023

    ktt2 users discovers altruism.

    More at 8.

  • May 7, 2023
    1 reply

    Yeah even though I discussed it before I think.

    Wow didn’t know this. Makes sense to me know that you’re into silent films so much

  • May 7, 2023

    What a selfish piece of s***!

    He's just doing it for the thumbnail!

  • May 7, 2023

    Wow didn’t know this. Makes sense to me know that you’re into silent films so much

    Not really. It’s for historical reason of how cinema changed in a span of 100 years.

  • May 7, 2023

    Imagine you get your hearing restored and the first thing u hear is a YouTube intro irl “WHATS UP EVERYBODY ON YOUTUBE!”
    I’m convinced anybody who starts their vids like that abuse adderall and coke

  • May 7, 2023

    I dont think the people want millionaires at all they would prefer systemic change where the getting hearing aids isnt tied to the mercy of a random 20 year old millionaire thinking it would make for a good video

    There’s nothing wrong with millionaires. Billionaires are the issue.

  • May 7, 2023
    1 reply
    Water Giver

    Mr. Beast is the millionaire that people want millionaires to be but somehow still find a way to be mad

    The only sus thing is his thumbnails, everything else is pretty much a blessing lol

    from what i read he actually studied / figured out this to optimize clicks and viewer retention

    it’s why his videos are generally on the shorter side and have a lot of jump cuts / flashier editing

  • May 7, 2023

    Proof: my imagination

  • May 7, 2023

    Ik you’re not quoting a N*zi to prove that point

  • May 7, 2023

    Also respect to MrBeast for doing this hope it scales up from here and forces other YouTubers that copy him to do the same

  • May 7, 2023
    1 reply
    Block Muteson

    Eh, he does vids with cops and the FBI and dangled money in front of strangers to do weird stuff.

    This is fine though. Idk why anyone would watch it but it's fine

    he's had some weird videos getting people to do weird s*** for money but ultimately the money helped people. people will do a lot for money. and without those types of videos every now and then, he'd lose traction and not be able to help people anymore. they make for good content.