Does anyone kno where I can find eps of those music shows tht use 2 come on late night/ mornings
We’ve all woken up @ like 3AM & end up goin
Wait I gotta get this song name b4 I go bak 2 sleep😂 no bapp
MTV doesn’t play music
Sometimes when the reality tv show comes back from commercial your head top can get a solid 7 seconds of a chune
Sometimes when the reality tv show comes back from commercial your head top can get a solid 7 seconds of a chune
Lmaoooooo facts
Does anyone kno where I can find eps of those music shows tht use 2 come on late night/ mornings
to answer your question probably YouTube or dailymotion but no one probably ever thought to record them because at the time you could just go watch the individual videos online
If you bring it up on lostmediawiki someone will probably find it for u over time
AMTV and s*** like that seems kinda pointless because it’s just the bumpers and corner graphics with the video info
But BET gotta drop all the old Rap City, 106 and Park and the little Artist Top 25 Countdown vids where they picked 25 of their favorite videos of all time and explained why
culture peaked in like 04-07 lmao
this op
All That?!?!
nah my brother and me