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  • Dec 20, 2019

    Damn Sonic f***ed my guy up

    That nigga gonna cheat too

  • Dec 20, 2019
    1 reply

    Paulie be so cringe sometimes but sometimes he says things that makes me respect him

    Naw bro he getting more and more cringe. I use to like him but naw....Jordan, Turbo, Wes and Bear are my guys

  • Dec 20, 2019
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    Naw bro he getting more and more cringe. I use to like him but naw....Jordan, Turbo, Wes and Bear are my guys

    He says something smart & im like damn ok so he’s not insane

    Then he does something so cringe it’s hard to watch smh

    I liked & respected how Jordan finished off the season

    He’s still a d*** but I respect him

  • Dec 20, 2019
    1 reply

    He says something smart & im like damn ok so he’s not insane

    Then he does something so cringe it’s hard to watch smh

    I liked & respected how Jordan finished off the season

    He’s still a d*** but I respect him

    Paulie is very smart, which makes him insane cus he uses it to manipulate tf outta ppl

    But yea Jordan is a d*** for sure, he just lacks self awareness and doesn’t realize the way he comes off until someone like Tori actually tells him “chill out ur wrong” like she did at the reunion

  • Dec 20, 2019
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    Paulie is very smart, which makes him insane cus he uses it to manipulate tf outta ppl

    But yea Jordan is a d*** for sure, he just lacks self awareness and doesn’t realize the way he comes off until someone like Tori actually tells him “chill out ur wrong” like she did at the reunion

    That’s facts bro they are the perfect couple tbh balance each other out. I’m glad she called his s*** out too

  • Dec 20, 2019

    goddamn Niall showed up Ex On The Beach. so random
    cant believe he's still using harry potter jokes. that didnt get him laid on love island

  • Dec 21, 2019
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    not sure whether to laugh or feel uncomfortable watching Casey propose to Ashley

  • Dec 21, 2019
    1 reply

    not sure whether to laugh or feel uncomfortable watching Casey propose to Ashley

    it was almost the most uncomfortable thing i've ever seen

    lmk when u finish the reunion

  • Dec 21, 2019

    it was almost the most uncomfortable thing i've ever seen

    lmk when u finish the reunion

    i just started the reunion. kate went back smh. all that "growth" went out the window when camera's stopped rolling.

    the look of disgust on my man's(forgot name, black dude) face was hilarious tho

  • Jan 13, 2020
    1 reply
    Chip Skylark

    Gus going out sad

    he such a b****

  • Jan 13, 2020
    1 reply

    he such a b****

    Bro he’s the worst now & just being extra for no reason. Nilsa is only backing up his shenanigans cause she want some d***

    Speaking of Nilsa she’s such a bird and always brings up the fact that her and Gus slept together/makes any reason to just have her legs open/titties out for attention

    Wish Kirk/Codi put a tad bit more effort in making Jeremiah feel included but he’s an adult so they’re like w/e and maybe they just feel awkward about being stuck in the middle. At least Maddie makes an effort and she’s cool besides that one meltdown she’s had

    Kinda don’t mind Courtney being gone she was a buzz kill this whole season .

    Kirk still manages to be the funniest one with his little remarks and reaction during the situations lol

  • Jan 13, 2020
    1 reply
    Chip Skylark

    Bro he’s the worst now & just being extra for no reason. Nilsa is only backing up his shenanigans cause she want some d***

    Speaking of Nilsa she’s such a bird and always brings up the fact that her and Gus slept together/makes any reason to just have her legs open/titties out for attention

    Wish Kirk/Codi put a tad bit more effort in making Jeremiah feel included but he’s an adult so they’re like w/e and maybe they just feel awkward about being stuck in the middle. At least Maddie makes an effort and she’s cool besides that one meltdown she’s had

    Kinda don’t mind Courtney being gone she was a buzz kill this whole season .

    Kirk still manages to be the funniest one with his little remarks and reaction during the situations lol

    yeah dude gus been pissing me off this season. You can tell he was raised like s*** by the way he treats jeremiah, who took gus into his house and allowed him to live with him. I dont mind nilsa this season tbh, really just been upset with how much airtime gus b**** ass been getting. Like i truly wonder does this idiot really watch these episodes and not feel embarrassed/ want to change? I LOVE mattie dude i feel like shes perfect for the house. and Codi has been my MVP this season man hes funny as s***. kirk been a real one from the jump as well. Crazy how underrated this show is.

  • Jan 16, 2020

    floribama thursday

  • Tai

    yeah dude gus been pissing me off this season. You can tell he was raised like s*** by the way he treats jeremiah, who took gus into his house and allowed him to live with him. I dont mind nilsa this season tbh, really just been upset with how much airtime gus b**** ass been getting. Like i truly wonder does this idiot really watch these episodes and not feel embarrassed/ want to change? I LOVE mattie dude i feel like shes perfect for the house. and Codi has been my MVP this season man hes funny as s***. kirk been a real one from the jump as well. Crazy how underrated this show is.

    I think he just tryna overcompensate since s*** didn’t work out on The Challenge and he was essentially a snore on there.

    Remember ending of last Floribama season he was acting like he was moving on from the show to pursue a career on the challenge instead. And since that failed he’s back now tryna overly assert himself

  • Jan 17, 2020

    great episode last night. LOVE codi and his family they are such fun people. FLORIBAMA IS SO GOAT I WILL DEADASS CRY IF THEY DONT CONTINUE THE SHOW

  • Feb 1, 2020
    2 replies

    When tf new challenge

  • GoodFella

    When tf new challenge

  • GoodFella

    When tf new challenge

    Trailer drops tmr.

  • Mar 3, 2020
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  • Mar 3, 2020
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    You excited?

  • Mar 3, 2020
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    You excited?

    Hell yea

    Must b good the way they doin promo

  • Mar 4, 2020
    1 reply

    Hell yea

    Must b good the way they doin promo

    That’s what I’m thinking. This the first time I been checking daily for a trailer release lmaoooo idk why

    Usually I just catch a trailer when I catch it but this time I been checking odee

    Excited about the cast and to see how the new guys like swaggy C does (I hate calling him that btw)

  • Mar 4, 2020
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    That’s what I’m thinking. This the first time I been checking daily for a trailer release lmaoooo idk why

    Usually I just catch a trailer when I catch it but this time I been checking odee

    Excited about the cast and to see how the new guys like swaggy C does (I hate calling him that btw)

    Yup I’m thinkin the same s*** lol

    Swaggy C is on??? Lmfaooooooooo oh it’s littttttt

    Yeah this season gon be legendary

  • Mar 4, 2020
    2 replies

    I’m hype. Feels like the wait between last season & this new one has been longer than usual.

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