You talking Inferno 3? That’s not on there at all
oh i was talking about The Real World lol. ive already binged most of The Challenge besides a few i saved for a later moment
Nah I have it, but that season isn’t on it for some reason (if I’m thinking of the right season)
Nah it’s season 14 that isn’t on there. Inferno 3 lmaooo that s*** got swiped from the net
Anyone watching Double Agents? I'm liking the group they got in this one
Yeah I’m bout to tap in, should be a good season. Lmao they only got like 7 white people there.
And yea Liv also the Ambers
Didnt know there was a Challenge thread, I binge watched all of the seasons I could when CBS dropped all those season lmao. So hyped for this one
This first episode of Double Agents is better than all of Total Madness
Is it really that good?? Haven’t watched yet.
Is it really that good?? Haven’t watched yet.
Was actually very good imo. A lot of people seemed to enjoy it from what I saw browsing Reddit. But I also thought Total Madness was garbage so..
Was actually very good imo. A lot of people seemed to enjoy it from what I saw browsing Reddit. But I also thought Total Madness was garbage so..
Most people thought Total Madness was garbage lol. I did enjoy last season tho. Ima check the news episode here soon
Most people thought Total Madness was garbage lol. I did enjoy last season tho. Ima check the news episode here soon
ive never not enjoyed a challenge season ever.
i did get frustrated when Bear, Georgia and Theo were getting picked off 1 by 1 in that season by Rogan's alliance
ive never not enjoyed a challenge season ever.
i did get frustrated when Bear, Georgia and Theo were getting picked off 1 by 1 in that season by Rogan's alliance
Same here I really enjoy every single season, I’ve seen a lot of people complain (not here more so Reddit/Vevmo) about how garbage all the seasons are now, which confuses me cus why watch if you hate every season and damn near every cast member lol.
Same here I really enjoy every single season, I’ve seen a lot of people complain (not here more so Reddit/Vevmo) about how garbage all the seasons are now, which confuses me cus why watch if you hate every season and damn near every cast member lol.
I enjoy every season, but Total Madness was probably the worst season I've watched out of all of the last like 10 seasons. I still enjoyed it though bc The Challenge is always entertaining
Same here I really enjoy every single season, I’ve seen a lot of people complain (not here more so Reddit/Vevmo) about how garbage all the seasons are now, which confuses me cus why watch if you hate every season and damn near every cast member lol.
thats a thing on ATRL too. they hate every single season but its thread is reaching 300 pages as of now. why not quit? i hate 'hate-watching' a show. id rather spend time watching stuff i DO enjoy. but thats another topic
thats a thing on ATRL too. they hate every single season but its thread is reaching 300 pages as of now. why not quit? i hate 'hate-watching' a show. id rather spend time watching stuff i DO enjoy. but thats another topic
What’s ATRL?
But I agree 100% man s*** negative af, people literally watch these shows just to hate on it. I understand majority of them started out as fans who have grown sour....but move on then? If you think the past 5-10 seasons have been terrible then stop watching
What’s ATRL?
But I agree 100% man s*** negative af, people literally watch these shows just to hate on it. I understand majority of them started out as fans who have grown sour....but move on then? If you think the past 5-10 seasons have been terrible then stop watching
pop version of ktt
Lmaooo damn I never heard of them before
if Kam doesnt win this season i dont wanna hear her call herself 'Queen' Kam. thats reserved for winners. she can keep Killa Kam tho for her elimination track record