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  • Nov 10, 2019
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    hope Cory doesnt leave early cuz i have nobody else as well

    For next season? There’s a lot I’m rooting for lol

  • Nov 10, 2019
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    For next season? There’s a lot I’m rooting for lol

    like who? havent seen the full cast yet i think

  • Nov 10, 2019
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    like who? havent seen the full cast yet i think

    Wes, Nelson, Mattie, Kyle, Bear, Big T, etc

    I can send you the full cast if you want

  • Nov 10, 2019

    Wes, Nelson, Mattie, Kyle, Bear, Big T, etc

    I can send you the full cast if you want

    yes pls. gonna be tough for Bear on his own

  • Aaron

    None of them are on next season

    Lmao so you didn’t read what I said huh?

  • Nov 15, 2019
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    Couple things

    Floribama is now on, sure some of you are happy about that

    Tori destroyed Jenni what a f***in upset but I gotta give it to her she's a tough ass woman

    Temptation Island CASEY IS LOSING IT

  • Nov 15, 2019
    1 reply

    Floribama shore was amazing as usual

  • Nov 16, 2019
    1 reply

    Couple things

    Floribama is now on, sure some of you are happy about that

    Tori destroyed Jenni what a f***in upset but I gotta give it to her she's a tough ass woman

    Temptation Island CASEY IS LOSING IT

    Casey is an absolute wasteman. David needs to take an L soon too. the girls worship the ground he walks on

  • Nov 16, 2019
    2 replies

    Floribama shore was amazing as usual

    Absolutely amazing. I honestly prefer it more than jersey shore now.

  • Nov 16, 2019
    1 reply

    Floribama back

    Forgot how much I didn’t like Nilsa like her personality just makes her so unattractive to me

  • Nov 16, 2019

    Casey is an absolute wasteman. David needs to take an L soon too. the girls worship the ground he walks on

    Lmfaooooooo Casey is mf hilarious

    David a real life d***head. He kinda sucks like dude has no personality at all

    I hope the island girl doesn’t cheat I like that couple

  • Chip Skylark

    Floribama back

    Forgot how much I didn’t like Nilsa like her personality just makes her so unattractive to me

    Can’t believe it’s been almost a year

  • Nov 16, 2019
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    Absolutely amazing. I honestly prefer it more than jersey shore now.

    yeah i didnt even bother watching the jersey shore reboot

  • Nov 16, 2019
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    Absolutely amazing. I honestly prefer it more than jersey shore now.

    I 100% agree

    The Floribama Cast are a lot more likeable and less obnoxious than the Jersey cast.

    Even Nilsa isn't nearly as bad as Sammi, Ronnie, or drunken Snooki or Deena

  • HYPE

    yeah i didnt even bother watching the jersey shore reboot

    It’s still a good watch to catch up with they lives today. I was a huge fan of jersey shore during they first run so I just enjoy watching they personalities.

    Mike is rehabilitated and doing good so his character is shown in a new light now than how he use to be

  • Nov 17, 2019
    2 replies
    Scott Raiden

    I 100% agree

    The Floribama Cast are a lot more likeable and less obnoxious than the Jersey cast.

    Even Nilsa isn't nearly as bad as Sammi, Ronnie, or drunken Snooki or Deena

    Don’t get me wrong I don’t know if I’m fully ready to say Floribama is better than the original jersey shore seasons. But it def is way better than the current jersey seasons.

    Gus is a lame to me honestly and f*** wit him the least. Nilsa sexy af and honestly don’t mind her, even tho she can be annoying at times.

    But Kodi, Kirk, Aimee, jeremiah and candance are all goat!

    I’d argue Floribama has a more well rounded cast and went up against the odds and succeeded with being a follow up to one of MTV’s most successful show. But IDK man Prime Situation was f***in pure golden TV. I personally feel him and Pauly made the show what it is. Obviously Snooki too but that comes down to wether u like her or not. To me she’s like Nilsa (the female star of the show) who can be very annoying at times but tolerable IMO

  • Simply put Floribama has a more well rounded cast but don’t have anyone who can match up to prime Situation, Pauly or Snooki.

  • Nov 17, 2019
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    Don’t get me wrong I don’t know if I’m fully ready to say Floribama is better than the original jersey shore seasons. But it def is way better than the current jersey seasons.

    Gus is a lame to me honestly and f*** wit him the least. Nilsa sexy af and honestly don’t mind her, even tho she can be annoying at times.

    But Kodi, Kirk, Aimee, jeremiah and candance are all goat!

    I’d argue Floribama has a more well rounded cast and went up against the odds and succeeded with being a follow up to one of MTV’s most successful show. But IDK man Prime Situation was f***in pure golden TV. I personally feel him and Pauly made the show what it is. Obviously Snooki too but that comes down to wether u like her or not. To me she’s like Nilsa (the female star of the show) who can be very annoying at times but tolerable IMO

    Mike banging his head against the wall to avoid an asswhooping from Ronnie >>>>>

  • Nov 17, 2019
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    Don’t get me wrong I don’t know if I’m fully ready to say Floribama is better than the original jersey shore seasons. But it def is way better than the current jersey seasons.

    Gus is a lame to me honestly and f*** wit him the least. Nilsa sexy af and honestly don’t mind her, even tho she can be annoying at times.

    But Kodi, Kirk, Aimee, jeremiah and candance are all goat!

    I’d argue Floribama has a more well rounded cast and went up against the odds and succeeded with being a follow up to one of MTV’s most successful show. But IDK man Prime Situation was f***in pure golden TV. I personally feel him and Pauly made the show what it is. Obviously Snooki too but that comes down to wether u like her or not. To me she’s like Nilsa (the female star of the show) who can be very annoying at times but tolerable IMO

    That's true

    In terms of entertainment value and f***ery, the first 4 seasons of Jersey were some of the best Reality TV MTV has done imo.

    I just feel like the Floribama Cast would be easier for me to get along with versus the OG Era Jersey cast.

    Idk if I could've sat through even a week of Prime Ronnie and Sammis bullshit before I would've dipped out that house lol

    Even the domestic violence vibes that I see Ronnie and Jenns relationship has is too much for me

  • HYPE

    Mike banging his head against the wall to avoid an asswhooping from Ronnie >>>>>

    Lmaooooo bro I’m telling Mike one my favorite reality characters of all time

  • Nov 17, 2019
    2 replies
    Scott Raiden

    That's true

    In terms of entertainment value and f***ery, the first 4 seasons of Jersey were some of the best Reality TV MTV has done imo.

    I just feel like the Floribama Cast would be easier for me to get along with versus the OG Era Jersey cast.

    Idk if I could've sat through even a week of Prime Ronnie and Sammis bullshit before I would've dipped out that house lol

    Even the domestic violence vibes that I see Ronnie and Jenns relationship has is too much for me

    Nah I feel u 100% but u know they gotta play it up for TV cus without the “relationship issues” Ron/Sam is essentially irrelevant.

    But yeah man the first few seasons of Jersey shore I feel like is untouchable.
    I’m deadass tryna think of who’s a greater reality tv personality than Situation

  • Nov 17, 2019
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    Nah I feel u 100% but u know they gotta play it up for TV cus without the “relationship issues” Ron/Sam is essentially irrelevant.

    But yeah man the first few seasons of Jersey shore I feel like is untouchable.
    I’m deadass tryna think of who’s a greater reality tv personality than Situation

    New York, just going off the gifs/memes ive seen pf her

  • Nov 17, 2019
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    Nah I feel u 100% but u know they gotta play it up for TV cus without the “relationship issues” Ron/Sam is essentially irrelevant.

    But yeah man the first few seasons of Jersey shore I feel like is untouchable.
    I’m deadass tryna think of who’s a greater reality tv personality than Situation

    The Situation is up there with Ms. New York as one of the best Reality TV villains ever.

    I was mad af when Ronnie bum ass tried to fight him in Season 4 because of what he said to Sam about Ron being with a girl before they got back together, then Sammi ass gone act like Mike just told her that s*** recently.

    I don't think I ever wanted to fight a reality character so bad lol. Ronnie swung on Mike, missed, then all he did was wrestle him into a corner. Mike did more damage to himself lol

  • Nov 17, 2019
    1 reply

    btw i think u guys should watch Vanderpump Rules since we pretty much got the same taste in reality TV. its prime Jersey Shore level good. trust me

    Rihanna watches it. thats the biggest co-sign u could get imo

  • Nov 17, 2019
    1 reply

    the challenge is dope floribama is garbage af

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