Yeah I just go to reddit because its organized pretty well and is good for updates and stuff.
Yeah I pretty much see constant Paulie and Fessy hate lol. Which is funny because I enjoy them a lot as characters.
I do too. Seems like if you’re a good competitor and cocky and not named Kam then you get hated on.
It’s funny that everything people hate about Fessy/Paulie: Cocky, never won....can also be said about Kam
(Not sure how Reddit feels about her but everywhere else loves her)
I do too. Seems like if you’re a good competitor and cocky and not named Kam then you get hated on.
It’s funny that everything people hate about Fessy/Paulie: Cocky, never won....can also be said about Kam
(Not sure how Reddit feels about her but everywhere else loves her)
Kam is very polarizing you either love or hate her from what I've seen. I see her get s*** and love but probably a little bit more hate than love.
Like when CT denied her as a partner a lot of Reddit made fun of her, but thats more of because reddit sucks CT's d*** lmao.
Its pretty weird how much people discredit Fessy and Paulie. Paulie in particular is actually mad underrated. Dude has taken control pretty much every season he has been on.
Kam is very polarizing you either love or hate her from what I've seen. I see her get s*** and love but probably a little bit more hate than love.
Like when CT denied her as a partner a lot of Reddit made fun of her, but thats more of because reddit sucks CT's d*** lmao.
Lmao that’s cus Kams dumbass answered the question with “killa killa!!!!” Like wtf does that even mean?
Kam tell me why I should pick you?
“Cus Killa Killa!!”
Its pretty weird how much people discredit Fessy and Paulie. Paulie in particular is actually mad underrated. Dude has taken control pretty much every season he has been on.
Its pretty weird how much people discredit Fessy and Paulie. Paulie in particular is actually mad underrated. Dude has taken control pretty much every season he has been on.
For some reason only Fessy & Paulie MUST win on their 1st try or they trash 🤦🏽♂️
How long it took CT to get a win?
F***in Bananas went home first his first season
Lmao that’s cus Kams dumbass answered the question with “killa killa!!!!” Like wtf does that even mean?
Kam tell me why I should pick you?
“Cus Killa Killa!!”
To be fair I don't think Kam was ready for CT to dismiss her like that Kam has proven shes not only a good competitor but also very smart so I was also surprised at how much CT didn't consider her as well
To be fair I don't think Kam was ready for CT to dismiss her like that Kam has proven shes not only a good competitor but also very smart so I was also surprised at how much CT didn't consider her as well
Lmao being that cocky yet not quick on your feet when asked a question
“Cus killa...killa”
CT mumbling ass said Nah b**** you can’t even formulate a proper sentence
just finished final reckoning baby. honestly loved tyb and lavender ladies but i believe im in the minority for that one
I finished final reckoning a few days ago, left the season not f***ing with Natalie or Ashley at all after the final. I was surprised and pissed Natalie went for that super snake move and straight up stopped Joss/Sylvia from winning. Ashely thought she was doing something making a scene against Hunter but she deadass was dead weight most of the season so it sucks for him
Was highkey rooting for Joss so emerged as a favorite of mine over the season, probably just bc he’s overall not problematic lmfao
I finished final reckoning a few days ago, left the season not f***ing with Natalie or Ashley at all after the final. I was surprised and pissed Natalie went for that super snake move and straight up stopped Joss/Sylvia from winning. Ashely thought she was doing something making a scene against Hunter but she deadass was dead weight most of the season so it sucks for him
Was highkey rooting for Joss so emerged as a favorite of mine over the season, probably just bc he’s overall not problematic lmfao
I know Alotta people knock Ashley for taking the money from Hunter but was she wrong?
I know damn well if someone threatened my family like he did and talked all that s*** I wouldn’t split the money either. She was way more justified in doing it than Bananas.
I know Alotta people knock Ashley for taking the money from Hunter but was she wrong?
I know damn well if someone threatened my family like he did and talked all that s*** I wouldn’t split the money either. She was way more justified in doing it than Bananas.
I think she was wrong from the perspective of how much his help was needed to get to the final but after they replayed the clips of him s*** shaming and s*** I did understand why she was so pissed
I think she was wrong from the perspective of how much his help was needed to get to the final but after they replayed the clips of him s*** shaming and s*** I did understand why she was so pissed
Yeah he’s definitely the reason she made a final. But yeah all them threats to her family and s*** shaming
I finished final reckoning a few days ago, left the season not f***ing with Natalie or Ashley at all after the final. I was surprised and pissed Natalie went for that super snake move and straight up stopped Joss/Sylvia from winning. Ashely thought she was doing something making a scene against Hunter but she deadass was dead weight most of the season so it sucks for him
Was highkey rooting for Joss so emerged as a favorite of mine over the season, probably just bc he’s overall not problematic lmfao
Aha yeah I wanted to wait until you finished but it gets so messy LOL. A lot of people believe that Sylvia/Joss actually won the final and they gave the W to Ashley/Hunter because she told them she would of stolen the money. Hunter also got screwed over because he ate all the food and didn't get any credit for it. So not only do people not believe they won, many also believe Hunter got screwed.
Its funny because we have some of the same takeaways as well. I remember going into the season thinking Hunter was some terrible guy (I had seen spoilers) and was surprised at Ashley stealing the money because they didn't argue much more than any other duo and Ashley was definitely toxic as well.
I also FW Joss. Seems chill. Natalie takes a whole ass L for sabotaging Joss/Sylvia and still finishing behind them, as well as probably straight up giving Hunter and Ashley the win lol.
Aha yeah I wanted to wait until you finished but it gets so messy LOL. A lot of people believe that Sylvia/Joss actually won the final and they gave the W to Ashley/Hunter because she told them she would of stolen the money. Hunter also got screwed over because he ate all the food and didn't get any credit for it. So not only do people not believe they won, many also believe Hunter got screwed.
Its funny because we have some of the same takeaways as well. I remember going into the season thinking Hunter was some terrible guy (I had seen spoilers) and was surprised at Ashley stealing the money because they didn't argue much more than any other duo and Ashley was definitely toxic as well.
I also FW Joss. Seems chill. Natalie takes a whole ass L for sabotaging Joss/Sylvia and still finishing behind them, as well as probably straight up giving Hunter and Ashley the win lol.
Yeah I definitely find it hard to believe Ashley was first place out of everyone in the finals. No way. But Hunter f***ed up by saying those threats
Yeah I definitely find it hard to believe Ashley was first place out of everyone in the finals. No way. But Hunter f***ed up by saying those threats
Hunter was definitely an idiot and I'm not defending him because he can't control his temper but its important to note that Hunter did not say that directly to her. He said that to his boys when he was satly. I feel like theres a difference. There are definitely times when hes going off though and i'm like I see why she stole the money bro
my memory is shot from watching 300+ shows, i cant remember anything from The Challenge if its not the last season
Hunter was a f***ing idiot and set himself up for that to happen due to him going off on her so bad due to past feelings, then again she would def have took the money either way. He just made it easy on her
Aha yeah I wanted to wait until you finished but it gets so messy LOL. A lot of people believe that Sylvia/Joss actually won the final and they gave the W to Ashley/Hunter because she told them she would of stolen the money. Hunter also got screwed over because he ate all the food and didn't get any credit for it. So not only do people not believe they won, many also believe Hunter got screwed.
Its funny because we have some of the same takeaways as well. I remember going into the season thinking Hunter was some terrible guy (I had seen spoilers) and was surprised at Ashley stealing the money because they didn't argue much more than any other duo and Ashley was definitely toxic as well.
I also FW Joss. Seems chill. Natalie takes a whole ass L for sabotaging Joss/Sylvia and still finishing behind them, as well as probably straight up giving Hunter and Ashley the win lol.
Final reckoning seemed the most staged out of the trilogy so I wouldn’t be surprised if they did give it to Ashley just for drama/ ratings but definitely trash for Joss and Sylvia
Need a link to War of the Worlds tho Hulu only had the trilogy
Need a link to War of the Worlds tho Hulu only had the trilogy
you can get a free month long trial of paramount plus with the promo code "SPRING" it has WOTW1 but nothing after that
ive been getting all of my friends into the challenge and it feels f***ing awesome. just streamed seasons 30-32 for my friend. we gonna start WOTW1 tomorrow. super excited bc WOTW1 is definitely a fan favorite so hopefully my boy f***s with it too legit have gotten like 3/4 of my friends into it
ive been getting all of my friends into the challenge and it feels f***ing awesome. just streamed seasons 30-32 for my friend. we gonna start WOTW1 tomorrow. super excited bc WOTW1 is definitely a fan favorite so hopefully my boy f***s with it too legit have gotten like 3/4 of my friends into it
Lol nice only one of my friends watches the challenge. Everyone else said s*** gay
Lol nice only one of my friends watches the challenge. Everyone else said s*** gay
that blows man. i got some of my friends so into it that 3 of them watched double agents all on their own lol.
another one of my friends bought paramount plus on the spot and finished rivals 1 in ONE day i usually just stream seasons for my friends and every now and then a friend will join the disc and get interested.
that blows man. i got some of my friends so into it that 3 of them watched double agents all on their own lol.
another one of my friends bought paramount plus on the spot and finished rivals 1 in ONE day i usually just stream seasons for my friends and every now and then a friend will join the disc and get interested.
Lol that’s dope man. It’s definitely a better experience when you have someone to discuss the shows with.
Ima try and get my girl to start watching lol