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  • Jul 25, 2023
    Prison Mike

    I feel like most people grow out of this phase

  • Jul 25, 2023
    tomorrow volverse

    exactly fam

    I was watching a video by a Muslim content creator on how Destructive it can be to make a habit of listening to music. She wasn't talking about rap specifically but just in General on how you get such a dopamine hit of artificial happiness from listening to songs.


    A lot of people are so unhappy with their lives that they NEED to listen to music just to escape how broken and hopeless they truly feel. it's a way for someone to mask their true mental state from being felt. now obviously, this isn't every music listener, but I can definitely agree that it was me at certain low points in life.

    When you start listening to a certain artist to escape your day to day life, it can be easy to put them at the top of your priority list instead of other more fulfilling things. It can be what feeds your soul instead of the life you are Actually living day to day

    So this is why people say Travis Scott saved their life

  • Jul 25, 2023

    These niggas be d*** riding for grown ass men that don’t even know them

  • Jul 25, 2023

    Even people who aren’t STANS but just big fans in a way worship their favourite artists

    Look at someone like @Vietbrah

    There’s absolutely no denying Drake is like God to him. He’s been posting obsessively about drake for over 10 straight years.

  • Jul 25, 2023
    2 replies

    i don’t think you understand what autism is

    No you’re clearly unaware of autistic people and their obsessions

    Either that or you don’t understand what a stan is

  • Jul 25, 2023

    Even people who aren’t STANS but just big fans in a way worship their favourite artists

    Look at someone like @Vietbrah

    There’s absolutely no denying Drake is like God to him. He’s been posting obsessively about drake for over 10 straight years.

  • Jul 25, 2023
    1 reply

    Music is god

    the artists are just people

  • Jul 25, 2023

    idol worship


  • Jul 25, 2023

    crying at dude going in on vietbrah out of nowhere

  • Jul 25, 2023

    Even people who aren’t STANS but just big fans in a way worship their favourite artists

    Look at someone like @Vietbrah

    There’s absolutely no denying Drake is like God to him. He’s been posting obsessively about drake for over 10 straight years.

    Viet don’t even be bothering niggas and still be living rent free

  • Jul 25, 2023

    Even people who aren’t STANS but just big fans in a way worship their favourite artists

    Look at someone like @Vietbrah

    There’s absolutely no denying Drake is like God to him. He’s been posting obsessively about drake for over 10 straight years.

  • Jul 25, 2023
    Prison Mike

    I feel like most people grow out of this phase

    Once life gets an inkling of real, this stops

  • Jul 25, 2023

    this is why i refuse to go to concerts i will just live in my own world where i don’t realize they’re actually real

  • Jul 25, 2023

    Yes that’s true. Good observation. I hope most people realize this and are aware to not allow this to happen too much

  • Jul 25, 2023
    tomorrow volverse

    exactly fam

    I was watching a video by a Muslim content creator on how Destructive it can be to make a habit of listening to music. She wasn't talking about rap specifically but just in General on how you get such a dopamine hit of artificial happiness from listening to songs.


    A lot of people are so unhappy with their lives that they NEED to listen to music just to escape how broken and hopeless they truly feel. it's a way for someone to mask their true mental state from being felt. now obviously, this isn't every music listener, but I can definitely agree that it was me at certain low points in life.

    When you start listening to a certain artist to escape your day to day life, it can be easy to put them at the top of your priority list instead of other more fulfilling things. It can be what feeds your soul instead of the life you are Actually living day to day

    Islam is the truth

  • Jul 25, 2023
    1 reply
    tomorrow volverse

    exactly fam

    I was watching a video by a Muslim content creator on how Destructive it can be to make a habit of listening to music. She wasn't talking about rap specifically but just in General on how you get such a dopamine hit of artificial happiness from listening to songs.


    A lot of people are so unhappy with their lives that they NEED to listen to music just to escape how broken and hopeless they truly feel. it's a way for someone to mask their true mental state from being felt. now obviously, this isn't every music listener, but I can definitely agree that it was me at certain low points in life.

    When you start listening to a certain artist to escape your day to day life, it can be easy to put them at the top of your priority list instead of other more fulfilling things. It can be what feeds your soul instead of the life you are Actually living day to day

    Mr morale most important rap album ever made but y'all not ready for this convo yet

  • Jul 25, 2023

    I just know that title sounded so good in your head op

  • Jul 25, 2023

    Music is god

    the artists are just people

  • Jul 25, 2023


    It’s a mental disease for sure Lmao

  • Jul 25, 2023
    Prison Mike

    I feel like most people grow out of this phase

    Beside Drake fans

  • Jul 25, 2023

    food is like religion and fans worship dishes as gods

    what’s next

  • Jul 25, 2023
    1 reply

    No you’re clearly unaware of autistic people and their obsessions

    Either that or you don’t understand what a stan is

    being obsessed with something doesn’t make someone autistic same way not liking loud noises makes someone autistic

  • Jul 25, 2023

    That's word to God because I'm a God on this earth -Future

  • Jul 25, 2023
    1 reply

    being obsessed with something doesn’t make someone autistic same way not liking loud noises makes someone autistic

    Bruh if somebody is a legitimate stan then they’re on the spectrum it’s simple

  • Jul 25, 2023
    1 reply

    Bruh if somebody is a legitimate stan then they’re on the spectrum it’s simple

    no they aren’t it’s just adolescence and childhood there’s been standom for decades from the beatles to nicki minaj. teen girls or guys aren’t all autistic for being obsessed with an artist their frontal lobes aren’t developed fully and think a lot less rationally not due to the fact they’re on the spectrum

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