Feel like this thread focused more on Jordan Peterson than my aunt being a self-hating racist ngl
We all did. This was her response to all of us saying Candace Owens sucks
This is such a classic right wing avoidance strategy lol. “Look at the numbers!!”
Peterson is not right wing though.. Lol
Yes he is, dude won’t shut the f*** up about “cultural Marxism”
Peterson is def a gateway d*** to the alt-right ideology rabbit hole. Not saying everyone will follow that path, but tons of people who go down that route start out listening to him.
Yes he is, dude won’t shut the f*** up about “cultural Marxism”
You're not automatically right wing if you're against marxism, political orientation isn't binary. Peterson is centrist at most.
You're not automatically right wing if you're against marxism, political orientation isn't binary. Peterson is centrist at most.
I get that, but it’s obvious he’s one of those “””centrists””” that has criticism for the left and defense for the right. Whether he actually believes that or is trying to appease his fans idk
I get that, but it’s obvious he’s one of those “””centrists””” that has criticism for the left and defense for the right. Whether he actually believes that or is trying to appease his fans idk
Well he defends capitalism, which is slightly on the conservative side I guess. But he sure has criticism for the alt-right as well, it's on youtube. People don't get that conservatism is not even close to alt-right white supremacy, and Peterson isn't even full on conservative like Shapiro for example.
Jordan Peterson hate is creepy.
You mean she went to f***ing medical school and is still dumb enough to fall for some s*** like this?
dealing w a redpilled family is so f***ing draining
Cant relate
The most conservative are my parents and they just hold standard democrat boomer beliefs but they’re woke af on race, healthcare etc
All my siblings are like ultra progressives
just tell her to keep her opinions off social media that can end up in a loss of her license
Feel like this thread focused more on Jordan Peterson than my aunt being a self-hating racist ngl
i feel like her issue is more rooted in classism
my mom turned out the same way when she got her director position
You mean she went to f***ing medical school and is still dumb enough to fall for some s*** like this?
I do not understand it at all man
This is such a classic right wing avoidance strategy lol. “Look at the numbers!!”
Also "Do your research"
He taught Psychology at my uni. His psych work is interesting. Lots on alcoholism, which i suffer with, and personality disorders or PTSD and depression. Just dont watch the political s***.
He did lots of work in studying the stimulant effect in some people to alcohol and that mechanisms opiate like effect on certain people.
So if ur heart rate increases after taking 4 shots, you have that opiate effect from drinking. They found that you only get this euphoric stimulant effect when your blood alcohol is RISING, so not already risen.
They concluded that this could be why alcoholics cant stop drinking once they start, because they have to keep their BAC rising to maintain the effect...eventually blacking out.
I found this stuff really cool. Idk man.
He also has a lot of work on workplace performance and how to improve focus at work. Researching with many lawyers in high firms.
Ive watched his psych lectures to study for uni tests etc. He was known for his research way before 2015 lol.
Not tryna hate but it's pretty well known that alcohol has a short term euphoric effect (dopamine spoke) that is followed by a rapid reversal that encourages continued drinking to counter the comedown effect
If he figured out what mechanism causes certain people to be more susceptible to this effect or chase it more that would be interesting
You're not automatically right wing if you're against marxism, political orientation isn't binary. Peterson is centrist at most.
Here's my hot take, there are no centrists. Simply less right leaning liberals who aren't as ardent defender of the liberal order
People who parrot the opinions of weirdos like Jordan Peterson and then tell u to do ur own research into things are smooth brained imbeciles
Not tryna hate but it's pretty well known that alcohol has a short term euphoric effect (dopamine spoke) that is followed by a rapid reversal that encourages continued drinking to counter the comedown effect
If he figured out what mechanism causes certain people to be more susceptible to this effect or chase it more that would be interesting
Check some of these out. By JP
The effects of acute alcohol administration on the human brain: Insights from neuroimaging
Inherited Predisposition to Alcoholism: Characteristics of Sons of Male Alcoholics
this is the one I was talking about in the last post (below). they were measuring its stimulant like affect, and its correlation with heart rate and the desire to drink compulsively.
Reliability and validity of alcohol-induced heart rate increase as a measure of sensitivity to the stimulant properties of alcohol