I saw a recent picture of her, I guess she was right
Idk why these beautiful women get work done.
The biggest tragedy to date is lil kim
Y’all so used to heavy foundation, filtered photos, and surgically modified women 😭
Julia is fine for a 32 year old woman
Agreed but this is a bad pic of her.
Yal on here critiquing this woman when you're too nervous to message that girl you matched with on Hinge 2 weeks ago
Yal on here critiquing this woman when you're too nervous to message that girl you matched with on Hinge 2 weeks ago
Using dating apps in 2022
Idk why these beautiful women get work done.
The biggest tragedy to date is lil kim
Cause they insecure and no one tells em to stop that s***
Why didn't you reply so we could chit chat
Idk mane I just be postin s***