You are one gross weirdo. Nasty ass.
You actually swept the cereal up with the dirty broom and dustpan. Imagine all the dust you just ate.
Why are people saying it wouldn't be nasty if he used his hands? People still walk on floors with their feet, might as well put a foot in your mouth for breakfast
I dropped my cereal on the floor, picked it up and ate it. And on top of that my gf tells me that I'm disgusting, that I should throw it in the trash.
Is it that bad to do this?
You're a sick f***
that's so much time and contact with different dirty surfaces wtf
First you got the floor, the dustpan, and the broom, plus it'll take like 60 seconds for you to sweep everything up
Also you just swept any dirt or non visible stuff from the floor directly into your cereal bowl
God damn this is so f***ed
Why are people saying it wouldn't be nasty if he used his hands? People still walk on floors with their feet, might as well put a foot in your mouth for breakfast
some people get their p**** hard thinking about feet in their mouth.
yeah this is some hades-brewed sodom & gomorrah type s***
no way he ate that though, hollering @ the trolling