look into Propecia check out forhims.com or keeps.com it’s all hair loss treatment the earlier you start the more will stay and grow .. if you wait til it’s over it’s f***ing over good luck G it’s the way the dice rolled ... had a few family members start losing and now they got all they hair stay strong 💪 if not just shave it it’s freeing i did the same.
Can’t grow a beard yet
ah damn
you gonna be able to pull it off regardless king, trust
i don’t think using spells is gonna help OP my man
You sleeping 🤨
Look this s*** up before it’s too late
jokes aside, dont worry too much about it OP
Just be confident in yourself and you’ll be just fine
life section just pointlessly mean now for likes
Not even funny just mean as hell smh
talk to that fat rêtard cookies
is ur avi from a movie?
You talk a lot of s*** for someone who's been trying to get under 300lbs all year long. Shut your mouth and know your place.
You talk a lot of s*** for someone who's been trying to get under 300lbs all year long. Shut your mouth and know your place.
You talk a lot of s*** for someone who's been trying to get under 300lbs all year long. Shut your mouth and know your place.
If you got style, carrying yourself with confidence, swagger, energy, and have good things going in your life you’ll be surprised how little that can matter my dude.. nobody’s perfect, accentuate the good.
"this guy is suffering from a genetic problem utterly out of his control lol what a loser" - the guy who eats his ENORMOUS feelings