  • Apr 16, 2023
    1 reply

    Not joking on any level, if you score high IQ and are good at specific things, but have trouble with other stuff others seem to easily do you might be on the spectrum.
    I have Asperger’s and I find certain “hard” things very easy, but struggle with stuff as simple as cordial greetings.
    Maybe look up other symptoms of the spectrum, and see if any of them fit you? If they do maybe you can get tested too

  • Apr 16, 2023

    were you administered an IQ test that was actually administered by a psychologist or psychometrician or was it some online mumbo jumbo

    Administered test by a psychologist, though it was over a decade ago prior to entering middle school. I've been taking numerous online tests as of past month and been scoring anywhere from 115-130, but I suppose they inflate your score and makes me more concerned as a result.

  • Apr 16, 2023

    Hitler had a high IQ too. It’s irrelevant.

  • Apr 16, 2023
    tomorrow volverse

    high iq doesn't mean you will know everything or that life will be easy for you

    I hate the idea of these IQ tests / placement tests based on raw intelligence because it makes people think that they need less assistance in life, they should be able to do things with less steps, and that they don't have to struggle like people with average or below average intelligence.

    like someone else said in here, you have to endure the drudgery of being terrible at the things you enjoy. Interest in something doesn't correlate to your skill level. If you're just learning something new or maybe just getting deep into a process, the goal is not to become as good as your inspirations after going at it for a month or 2. if that's how you attack it, then there's no wonder you aren't succeeding.

    I would advise you in all your pursuits to start small and approach it based on a target. identify what you need to learn and build up chunks of understanding. then over time you'll be able to synthesize it into one seamless process.

    hope that helped you.

    I'll admit that I carry a habit of jumping to conclusions, it's not easy to break out of this mindset. Perhaps it's helpful to experiment with different approaches and from there determine which path most likely leads to success.

  • Apr 16, 2023
    1 reply
    Shady Ant

    Not joking on any level, if you score high IQ and are good at specific things, but have trouble with other stuff others seem to easily do you might be on the spectrum.
    I have Asperger’s and I find certain “hard” things very easy, but struggle with stuff as simple as cordial greetings.
    Maybe look up other symptoms of the spectrum, and see if any of them fit you? If they do maybe you can get tested too

    Being on the spectrum is plausible, and I've read into the behaviors/symptoms of Aspergers. Opened my mind from how many of the markers hit home, ones I could relate to the most are niche interests, sensitivity to noise, speech differences, etc. From what I gathered, literally the only cognitive area I excel in would be memory and my experiences prove that.

  • Apr 16, 2023
    tomorrow volverse

    as someone who has had similar experiences (and also ADHD-PI) I can understand the frustration though. I think a big piece of what makes me question myself is how to reconcile all my personal failings & struggles with the image people have of me as "you must be pretty smart!", "I know you do well in school", etc. comments like that always eat at me a bit bc my brain is a bit of a crapshoot. As a kid school was fairly easy but as the workload got harder in college & even as I tried to develop skills at the things i love the most, I never got nearly as far as i hoped bc of my difficulty focusing, sustaining attention, and most importantly keeping a positive mental attitude in the face of failure.

    Dr. Russell Barkley a leading expert on ADHD who's spent his life discussing it has made it a point to let people know that a hallmark of ADHD is emotional disregulation.


    If you relate to a lot of what he describes then maybe you have it as well. I got diagnosed as a kid but don't take meds. I think it might benefit me to start, but building the right habits and mindset will help out whether i take pills or not

    I heavily relate to the first paragraph, school up until junior high was a breeze then it's almost like my brain couldn't handle the academic subjects. Math was overwhelming beyond geometry, to the point of needing substantial assistance with grasping individual concepts. Breaks my heart to hear my mother always echoing about how "smart" or "intelligent" I am supposedly but my real life experiences show mediocrity.

  • Apr 16, 2023

    You can have a high iq and be anxious, hindering your potential. Some really, really smart people out there that can’t do much outside of read books cause they’re so anxious and fragile. Use that IQ and put it towards social skills. Plenty of books on it. Social skills can actually take you places.

  • Apr 16, 2023

    Being on the spectrum is plausible, and I've read into the behaviors/symptoms of Aspergers. Opened my mind from how many of the markers hit home, ones I could relate to the most are niche interests, sensitivity to noise, speech differences, etc. From what I gathered, literally the only cognitive area I excel in would be memory and my experiences prove that.

    Maybe get tested? If you get diagnosed, maybe you can move forward with that info and know the best way to proceed.
    Either way, I wish you good luck, fam

  • Apr 16, 2023

    You’re only gonna feel like a competent human if your intelligence and social IQ actually balance out

    elon musk is a prime example of a smart loser, imagine him without billions

  • Apr 16, 2023

    " In fact, this score is the only shred of evidence I have against the possibility that I have sort of brain damage or intellectual disability." Im f***ing HOLLERING LMAOOO

  • Apr 16, 2023

    Trying to gauge how intelligent you are is pointless just do your best

  • Apr 16, 2023

    How do men with low IQ hold entire conversations with women?