like i hit him up on facebook and he respond 3 hours later, even tho he active the whole time. He my only nigga left, other than my cousins. He do this all the time dawg, if u can’t even open my message then why even bother hit u up? am i right or am i tripping
inb4 “why u use facebook in 2020”
How old are you? Once you reach like your earlyish-mid 20's it's not uncommon to lose touch with most friends..
How old are you? Once you reach like your earlyish-mid 20's it's not uncommon to lose touch with most friends..
early 20s
Probably the start of that time-period bro, sorry
i mean i see him 2-3 times a year. We use to talk everyday like we 300 days a year, but since covid it been different.
i mean i see him 2-3 times a year. We use to talk everyday like we 300 days a year, but since covid it been different.
is he depressed? do u hit him up talking about bullshit? ask him how hes doing
its not easy finding good friends. I can get new friends easily but i can’t vibe with them the same way i do with my cousins
is he depressed? do u hit him up talking about bullshit? ask him how hes doing
we talk about a lot of s***, he married tho
i mean i see him 2-3 times a year. We use to talk everyday like we 300 days a year, but since covid it been different.
It's just cause your getting older and an adult. Usually that's what happens after college age, you lose touch with lots of people cause they busy out doing their own s***. It does get easier I hear once you reach your later 20's-early 30's because that's when people start to actively look for people who have the same interests again by using sites like meetup and just even in person they are more friendly.
F*** I thought this was about me. Had to cut a dude off and he still messages me to this day
Felt so bad it was like everyone I knew cut him out
F*** I thought this was about me. Had to cut a dude off and he still messages me to this day
Felt so bad it was like everyone I knew cut him out
WHY u cut him off?
Bro, you always have Jill. She always responds in times of need, use her wisely though. Her grip can be too much
Isn’t it finals week?
Plus seasonal s*** might be taking up his time
nah nigga still active on the book f*** it im not hitting any off them up anymore. been 5 hours lmao