25. They keep on talking about damn, if you don’t look now, you gonna be screwed.
You got a lot of life ahead of you. I’d say get a girl since having someone by your side is nice but if not don’t worry about it
they whisper to each other "he still ain't find some p****" whenever you walk by
I’m cussing my mom out if she ever threaten me with arranged marriage
OP sounds like he open to the idea. His parents got no game tho. He should send his mom the link to get him a eastern european mail in bride.
Stupid argument. He is focusing on food distribution but what about garbage, pollution, mining and other resource extraction? All areas that are placing major stress on the earth. Just because it possible to imagine a world in such the current number of people use less resources doesnt mean over population isnt a problem.
Saying it's a problem doesn't make it a problem.
The USA has ~27,960 square meters per person. We good.
Saying it's a problem doesn't make it a problem.
The USA has ~27,960 square meters per person. We good.
Well as the population grows so does our strain on the earths resources so yes overpopulation is obviously a problem however some of the issues it presents could be mitigated by using resources more efficiently, but that has its own challenges.
Dude believes its all capitalisms fault but look at china. Most polluted place with way too many f***ing people.
The problem is limited resources and a population that steadily grows. There are multiple ways you can go about solving the issue whether it be by reducing population or using resources for efficiently, but the problem is def real and not a myth
Saying it's a problem doesn't make it a problem.
The USA has ~27,960 square meters per person. We good.
Usa got 3.8 million square miles
And 300 million people
Thats .012 square miles per person bruh
Don’t worry about it
First it’s when are you gonna be dating
Then it’s when are you gonna get married
Then it’s when’s the kids
It’s always gonna be some sort of when, so don’t pay it any mind
I feel dat, was talking to my mom and she said if im single by 24 its arrange marriage time
love this for you
I feel dat, was talking to my mom and she said if im single by 24 its arrange marriage time
Don't worry bro do your own thing and work on yourself.
I'm 25 and most people I know fell for this societal pressure and are now are in relationships where they fight, cheat and aren't crazy about the person and are too weak to leave. Time spent alone teaches you a lot about fulfilling yourself, then you can find a good one as a complement to your already cool life.