  • youngtubesteak2

    U watched but did u intervene

    can't save people

  • Aug 24, 2021
    2 replies

    That’s a part of why I was still friends with him for years despite him having very different world views than me. But once it got really extreme and outright terrifying I lost interest in having him as someone in my life.

    You're a good person and you really love him. Let him know what's up. Make the convo more about life and less political.

    " Bro something changed with you over the years, you're being more n more into the house, less outside. "

    Go fishin or something, he's far right now lol

  • Aug 24, 2021
    2 replies

    Because we’ve been friends since we were like 10. We moved across the country together (along with other friends). If he wasn’t just someone to split rent with in expensive areas like he has been for the last 4ish years then I would probably never associate with him. He wasn’t always like this.

    I dont get you. Dont complain when you really dont care. People just dont change from 1 day to another. You call him „batshit insane“, loser and extremely right leaning. All of these things are complete dealbreakers for me.

  • Aug 24, 2021
    1 reply

    I dont get you. Dont complain when you really dont care. People just dont change from 1 day to another. You call him „batshit insane“, loser and extremely right leaning. All of these things are complete dealbreakers for me.

    it's called unconditional love b.

  • Aug 24, 2021

    You're a good person and you really love him. Let him know what's up. Make the convo more about life and less political.

    " Bro something changed with you over the years, you're being more n more into the house, less outside. "

    Go fishin or something, he's far right now lol

    I know him. If I tried to do that it would get ugly

  • Aug 24, 2021
    1 reply

    it's called unconditional love b.

    Sounds toxic and stupid

  • Aug 24, 2021

    I dont get you. Dont complain when you really dont care. People just dont change from 1 day to another. You call him „batshit insane“, loser and extremely right leaning. All of these things are complete dealbreakers for me.

    Of course I care but there is zero that I can do. There is literally nothing that I could have ever done to steer him down a different course. Obviously all of those things are dealbreakers for me because once it got to this I stopped interacting with him and decided to literally move away from him.

  • Aug 24, 2021

    Sounds toxic and stupid

    You’re making it out like I’m still trying to be friends with him or something

  • Aug 24, 2021
    2 replies

    he's allowed to be wrong, he has to find the information himself
    people have to want to change

    by the way just because you don't agree with someone doesn't mean he's nuts, I mean people have different perspectives on life and politics is a big one

    I know someone who's in an extremely right direction and we just don't talk about that stuff
    if it's impossible to separate him from politics then it's a wash

  • Aug 24, 2021
    Twist Your Cap

    he's allowed to be wrong, he has to find the information himself
    people have to want to change

    by the way just because you don't agree with someone doesn't mean he's nuts, I mean people have different perspectives on life and politics is a big one

    I know someone who's in an extremely right direction and we just don't talk about that stuff
    if it's impossible to separate him from politics then it's a wash

    I want to side with you here but you genuinely feel that if someone goes out of their way to let you know that they’re a racist and hates women you don’t think they’re nuts?

  • Aug 24, 2021

    It’s his life 24/7. Wake up, watch political YouTube videos and go to sleep still watching them.

    Submit a tip to the FBI. tbh

  • Shapiro is leftist???

  • Aug 24, 2021
    1 reply

    That’s methed up.

  • Aug 24, 2021

    Sounds like he needs his ass whooped

  • Aug 24, 2021

    That’s methed up.

    Did you type with a lisp

  • Aug 24, 2021

    U watched but did u intervene


  • Better than being batdick insane

  • Aug 24, 2021

    2016 really shifted the matrix

  • Fox is as close as you can get without literally saying f*** minorities and poor people

  • loser and a horrendous views? No wonder girls don’t like him he’s literally the antipussy

  • Also op thats literally the equation needed for a mass shooter. Not even trying to be funny

  • Aug 24, 2021
    Twist Your Cap

    he's allowed to be wrong, he has to find the information himself
    people have to want to change

    by the way just because you don't agree with someone doesn't mean he's nuts, I mean people have different perspectives on life and politics is a big one

    I know someone who's in an extremely right direction and we just don't talk about that stuff
    if it's impossible to separate him from politics then it's a wash

    You are excusing his actions when @OP literally said he is a racist and misogynist

  • Aug 24, 2021
    1 reply

    You really gotta understand just how far gone this guy is before you blame me for not intervening. Believe we’ve had plenty of conversations over the years about this but it’s never gotten anywhere. I’ve avoided any kind of confrontation for the last year bc I’m not trying to have any kind of bad situation during this last year of me being anywhere near him.

    Tell him bro it’s politics. Grow tf up

  • Aug 25, 2021
    4 replies

    My roommate is bangin my othrr roommate and the neighbor, and then complains that she can't find a boyfriend and guys don't treat her right lol

  • Aug 25, 2021
    1 reply

    Tell him bro it’s politics. Grow tf up

    You’ve never met someone that is as deep into this if you think saying that has any value. You think you could have stopped someone from storming the Capitol by telling them that?

    Not trying to be rude though just painting a picture of how insane he is.