  • Updated Nov 21, 2019

    its simple

    the skywalker bloodline is revered as the best possibility for hyper strong jedi
    but a problem with them is that the skywalker bloodline also produced darth vader woat and kylo ren so a person might query is the skywalker bloodline corrupted and more likely destined for a path of the darkside rather than than the jedi

    however star wars greatest character was luke skywalker and he was a strong jedi and saved the universe in his era from the empire however the skywalker propensity for darkness was revealed in the last jedi when it was revealed that luke was the catalyst for kylo ren becoming part of the darkside

    the interesting thing about star wars which is throughout the 3 trilogies is how dead jedi can communicate with jedi who are still alive i hope how this is possible is revealed later

    but my main issue with star wars is that its not star wars without a skywalker in it and it seems luke skywalker is either dead or not returning so all we have is kylo ren as the last possible skywalker lightsaber wielder. kylo ren may join the jedi or be killed. if he's killed that is the end of the skywalker bloodline who can become jedi but of course he may join the resistance/rebels in the end

    my only other problem is that they destroyed the jedi texts and say the girl rey has all the jedi knowledge within her so there is no need for them. say the resistance fails someone worthy could find the jedi texts learn from and restart the jedi and strike the empire darkside again. my problem with that theyre leaving all their hope with rey and if rey fails its over for the jedi completely. because whatever yoda does with his life he isnt fighting for the resistance

    other than that the trilogy is heavily interesting another problem is the agreement for sale of star wars for disney is that they would use george lucas scripts but they didnt theyve made it interesting but george lucas had an incredibly powerful vision of what he wanted create how and the story would be. he began the story at the fourth movie and then waited over 20 years before creating the first three that is a man with vision. i don't know if disney can continue the star wars story the same way george lucas could have done

    however the third movie of this trilogy is called the rise of skywalker so either we find out that rey is actually a member of the skywalker bloodline or luke skywalker shall return.

    anyway jus kinda worried about the skywalker bloodline ending

  • Nov 10, 2019

    ok boomer

  • Nov 10, 2019
    1 reply

    The texts weren’t destroyed Rey took them before she left the island. Cool write up though.

  • Nov 10, 2019

    Kylo ren is most likely getting redemmed in eps 9 so he won't be the end of the skywalker bloodline and rey took the jedi text with her in TLJ

  • Nov 10, 2019
    2 replies

    The texts weren’t destroyed Rey took them before she left the island. Cool write up though.

    ok when i watched it luke skywalker was walking to the jedi 'library' for burning the texts. then yoda appeared and set them on fire himself loose quote. 'so it is time to burn the jedi texts' and yoda goes on to state 'Wisdom they have...
    but that library contains nothing
    that the girl Rey does...
    not already possess'

  • Nov 10, 2019
    1 reply

    ok when i watched it luke skywalker was walking to the jedi 'library' for burning the texts. then yoda appeared and set them on fire himself loose quote. 'so it is time to burn the jedi texts' and yoda goes on to state 'Wisdom they have...
    but that library contains nothing
    that the girl Rey does...
    not already possess'

    And then at the end of the movie we see the texts in the millennium Falcon implying she took them before leaving and Luke didn’t know about it.

  • Nov 10, 2019

    ok when i watched it luke skywalker was walking to the jedi 'library' for burning the texts. then yoda appeared and set them on fire himself loose quote. 'so it is time to burn the jedi texts' and yoda goes on to state 'Wisdom they have...
    but that library contains nothing
    that the girl Rey does...
    not already possess'

    yoda meant that quote literally Rey has the jedi text with her on the falcon at the end

  • Nov 10, 2019
    1 reply

    And then at the end of the movie we see the texts in the millennium Falcon implying she took them before leaving and Luke didn’t know about it.

    ite if this true. then i didnt see
    i gotta rewatch the end properly
    if true less disappoint still worried about skywalker bloodline though

    also in the burning sequence there were many actual jedi texts that were burnt

  • Nov 10, 2019
    1 reply

    ite if this true. then i didnt see
    i gotta rewatch the end properly
    if true less disappoint still worried about skywalker bloodline though

    also in the burning sequence there were many actual jedi texts that were burnt

  • Nov 10, 2019
    1 reply

    nice. im not hater but i had alot of things i needed articulate with feed back so thanks

  • Nov 10, 2019

    nice. im not hater but i had alot of things i needed articulate with feed back so thanks

    Yeah no worries I liked your write up I just wanted to correct the texts part.

  • Nov 10, 2019
    2 replies

    I’ve watched Last Jedi like 8 times

    Such a good movie

  • Nov 13, 2019

    I’ve watched Last Jedi like 8 times

    Such a good movie

    i watched it 3 times in a row when it was released

  • I like how each time you say it’s the final problem you have with it you address another problem

  • Nov 18, 2019

    I’ve watched Last Jedi like 8 times

    Such a good movie

    What was good about this movie?

  • Nov 18, 2019

    Rise of skywalker leaks funny as hell

  • Info on avi

  • Nov 20, 2019
    2 replies

    3 movies into the new trilogy and I still don't know what the hell it's even about...

    Like big game, not the lil character developments

  • Nov 20, 2019

    All that new s*** suck

  • Nov 20, 2019
    1 reply

    3 movies into the new trilogy and I still don't know what the hell it's even about...

    Like big game, not the lil character developments

    They're missing that creative vision throughout the trilogy to make it all tie together tbh it doesn't feel like anyone cares

  • Nov 20, 2019

    3 movies into the new trilogy and I still don't know what the hell it's even about...

    Like big game, not the lil character developments

    At least its over now