  • Aug 15, 2024

    Hello everyone,

    I recently bought NCAA 25 when it was released, even though I'm not a big fan of football or college sports. My past experience with sports games mainly comes from playing Madden 2007 with my cousins, trying to fit in, but I was more into NBA Live.

    On the PS5, NCAA 25 looks pretty bad, with a blurry resolution that seems like it's running at 900p or lower. The game itself was decent, but the new passing controls are extremely unintuitive. Thankfully, there's an option for classic passing where you just press the receiver button, and the player's stats determine the accuracy.

    One major issue I noticed is that players drop the ball constantly, and my cornerbacks seem pretty clueless when covering the AI. This was particularly frustrating in quick play mode where I could control the defense. Admittedly, it might be a skill issue since I’m not well-versed in football, but even then, the passing still feels off—many times it seemed like the receiver should have caught the ball.

    I don't play Madden regularly, so I can't compare the movement to previous versions, but it felt fine to me. The presentation, however, is over the top, with a loud band playing after every down.

    Most of my time was spent in the create-a-player mode, where I played as a QB. It was kind of boring because:

    • You can't choose your own plays, even with max coach trust.
    • There's no option for audibles.
    • The CPU makes poor play calls, costing us clutch games.

    Overall, it was an enjoyable experience but could have been better, especially since it’s my first football game in years.

    On the other hand, I’ve also been playing Madden 25, mostly through EA Play trial, and it’s been a much better experience:

    • The graphics options are much sharper.
    • Superstar mode allows you to import your player from NCAA 25, and you get to choose the plays your team runs right from the start.

    I’ve noticed some people saying Madden 25 is still bad, but I wonder if that’s because they’re struggling with the game? Similarly, I had to ask myself if NCAA isn’t for me simply because I’m not good at it.