this is 4u lil cowboy
! have just realized only i can see mr cowboy. thats fine... he’s like my lil imaginary buddy
i have just realized only i can see mr cowboy. thats fine... he’s like my lil imaginary buddy
he’s my stand lols!
real as heck. i was reminded of when i seen u can have a tamogotchi in the new cod game lols
real as heck. i was reminded of when i seen u can have a tamogotchi in the new cod game lols
U evr hav a tomogachi?
U evr hav a tomogachi?
yeah i had one, i brought it to school but lost it. come2think of it... it probably got stolen
If this looks like a poem
I might as well warn you at the beginning
that it's not meant to be one.
I don't want to turn anything into poetry.
I know all about her part in it
but I'm not concerned with that right now.
This is between you and me.
Personally I don't give a damn who led who on:
in fact I wonder if I give a damn at all.
But a man's got to say something.
Anyhow you fed her 5 McKewan Ales,
took her to your room, put the right records on,
and in an hour or two it was done.
I know all about passion and honour
but unfortunately this had really nothing to do with either:
oh there was passion I'm only too sure
and even a little honour
but the important thing was to cuckold Leonard Cohen.
Hell, I might just as well address this to the both of you:
I haven't time to write anything else.
I've got to say my prayers.
I've got to wait by the window.
I repeat: the important thing was to cuckold Leonard Cohen.
I like that line because it's got my name in it.
What really makes me sick
is that everything goes on as it went before:
I'm still a sort of friend,
I'm still a sort of lover.
But not for long:
that's why I'm telling this to the two of you.
The fact is I'm turning to gold, turning to gold.
It's a long process, they say,
it happens in stages.
This is to inform you that I've already turned to clay.