Is a tornado hitting through my area while I'm in the shower 😥 I die naked and screaming flying through the air
it's so f***ed
Part of sky literally touching down on earth to kill you
do you live in a tornado area? they don't just pop up you can check the prediction news b4 you shower boy don't shower longer than 1 minute thats all you got
do you live in a tornado area? they don't just pop up you can check the prediction news b4 you shower boy don't shower longer than 1 minute thats all you got
NYC did get a tornado alert yesterday but its not regular thing ofc but the idea of it still freaks me out imagining
no one gonna judge your lil d*** in a tornado op
Ngl I’d be heated if the last thing I saw before I died was OPs tiny p**** flying through the air
You would be knocked out/killed by debris before you even knew what was going on
You would be knocked out/killed by debris before you even knew what was going on
See OP you’ll be dead before people see your lil d***, so please stop worrying