the first time I watched Oldboy I went in blind and s*** blew me away and almost made me pursue film in college but I was also like 15? years old at the time and this was back when hi speed internet in every household wasn’t a normal thing and when torrenting movies wasn’t common (esp Korean films) and the only way I could watch a movie was by buying the dvd.
I just remember it being praised every where online and luckily I didn’t read any of the reviews. ff a couple months/a year.. my parents decided to go to Korea but left me in Berkeley at some summer school program where you stay in the dorms and take college classes at uc Berkeley for future credit or some s*** (some super asian s*** lol) and while I was there I was checking out the dvd section at amoeba in Berkeley and they had a bootleg dvd of Oldboy and bought it blind just based off the headlines I saw online.
I remember I watched it w like four other kids in the summer program and a few of the counselors/resident advisors and at the end of the movie everyone was just like wtf did we just watch omg that s*** was amazing. And then after that every once in a while one of the ppl who watched it w me would just randomly yell “oldboy” to me on some inside joke type s***.
perks of being a wallflower
donnie darko
shutter island
harry potter deathly hallows
sucker punch
all of the above tbh
Real for shutter island
The Prestige, finally watched it a few months ago and was incredible
BRAH i keep thinking about it, its so crazy