I mean most the artists I love for only 2 albums are because their discography is so short so I feel like that's not the spirit of the question you asked
Remo Drive
Love this mixtape, checked out the EP after and it was good. Wasn't f***ing with Far From Familiar and Apologies in Advance. Randomly decided to check out his Twitter earlier this year and saw he was diagnosed with lung cancer
Really solid album, probably my 2021 AOTY. Don't think he has anything else since, but I'm keeping an eye out for his music
Need to give Colouring Book another shot but rn this all I'm listening to by Chance
Kaleidoscope Dream was so good, his other albums are decent as well but don't compare for me
i rarely go through an entire discog of any genre of any artist tbh especiall if im not listening to them since
the beginning" of their career - it has to be an artist i really really like, or just a spur of the moment
i always took a scatterbrain shotgun approach one step at a time which enables me to listen to way more artists and albums
i always hit at least the artists most liked, biggest or infamous ones tho
You know sometimes, the best s*** is their unreleased s***. Man I swear that’s my favorite thing to look for. It always has some gems.
This talented bald motherfucker right here
Loved his debut album, he had the liberty to do what he wanted. The second album fell short, seemed like maybe the label pushed him on some directions, or him trying too hard to do mainstream pop.
Or even burn out/ writter's block.
Maybe the later, since he didn't release other albums, one major pop smash, (Brand New Day), few good singles.
Or maybe, he made enough money to never work anymore, and wanted to pursue other things
From the bottom of my heart, fuuuuckkk you Massari, lol, one of the most special voices and flow/delivery, that could do both singing and rap, f*** your writter's block. Or if latter above is the reason, then hope life is treating you really well, you recorded about a dozen songs with crazy replay value. Thank you. And again, f*** you for not recording more lol
PS. Drop "Say You Love Me" on DSPs in CDQ/ higher quality than myspace 128kbps resolution it was originally shared lol.