  • May 11, 2022

    add some 808s to this b**** and you have a hit

    Mysterious music

  • May 11, 2022

    NASA should've taken to us to Mars by now instead of that they're just funding Elon's vanity project and making type beats on a ProTools trial version

  • May 11, 2022
  • May 11, 2022

    space is so interesting

  • Trash Star

    i f***ing love science!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2010 facebook flashbacks

  • May 11, 2022

    People still replying to me saying there’s no sound in space smh read the thread where it’s explained a billion times

  • May 11, 2022

    i saw studies of how black holes can potentially also be portals/worm holes to other universes

    the only problem is how would that even be possible to know if black holes have intense, accelerating swathes of hawking radiation swirling around them. the objects caught in the tide would burn up from something like 1 millionth the radiation of the sun

    not to mention the black hole itself being below absolute zero

    Yeah I’ve read an interesting theory that whenever something falls in, it’s essentially transported to the end of time. Since Hawking radiation would take so long, and (as far as we know) information isn’t lost inside, that the matter would basically be “freed” at the end of time. But that’s assuming we view the end of the universe as heat death instead of a big crunch

    I do believe they might be tunnels to other universes. I mean, the universe started as a singularity. Black holes are singularities. It makes sense

    The only thing weirder than a black hole is a white hole. I don’t even know how to comprehend those. I hope they really exist

    Also whatever falls in would probably be destroyed by the accretion disk. I mean the matter is moving at the speed of light, so the friction causes temperatures so high it’s unfathomable

    Stellar mass black holes are the ones people need to be scared of since they’re the traditional “suck everything in” type. Supermassive ones are chill, you can just orbit them (if you could survive the crazy gamma radiation lol)

  • May 11, 2022
    1 reply
    Bo Ceephus

    This is after govt announced ufo public hearings for the first time in over 50 years to take place next week

    I’m loving this gif, it’s gonna be so useful for me. Thank you lol

  • May 11, 2022
    dr poptart

    I’m loving this gif, it’s gonna be so useful for me. Thank you lol

    Np brother

  • May 11, 2022
    1 reply

    i saw studies of how black holes can potentially also be portals/worm holes to other universes

    the only problem is how would that even be possible to know if black holes have intense, accelerating swathes of hawking radiation swirling around them. the objects caught in the tide would burn up from something like 1 millionth the radiation of the sun

    not to mention the black hole itself being below absolute zero

    Also have you ever checked out the CMB cold spot? I support the theory that it could be from a “bump” of another universe. It’s hard to explain a cold spot that large

    Also check out the Boötes Void. Very, very interesting. It’s considered the creepiest spot in the universe by a lot of pop-sci writers.

    Both of those phenomenons really don’t make sense with our current understanding of physics

  • May 11, 2022
    1 reply
    dr poptart

    Also have you ever checked out the CMB cold spot? I support the theory that it could be from a “bump” of another universe. It’s hard to explain a cold spot that large

    Also check out the Boötes Void. Very, very interesting. It’s considered the creepiest spot in the universe by a lot of pop-sci writers.

    Both of those phenomenons really don’t make sense with our current understanding of physics

    yeah the bootes void is very weird. it's as if taking a sheet of vanta black material and placing it in the middle of a field of stars. very eerie

  • May 11, 2022

    yeah the bootes void is very weird. it's as if taking a sheet of vanta black material and placing it in the middle of a field of stars. very eerie

    yeah you seem very science minded like me so you know not to jump to “ALIENS!” like most people would. but damn, I really think that if there was a Kardeshev Type III civilization out there, that’s our best evidence. an advanced civilization harvesting all the stars around it for its own galaxy in the center seems like a solid explanation. but again, I’m saying that in a theoretical sense and not saying it really is aliens

    also a little known anomaly that might interest you is the Random Transiter (star HD 139139). it’s a star that has been observed to have 28 identically sized planet-like objects orbiting it in a very random, unusual (unnatural) pattern. there’s no explanations for it and it’s not well known yet like something like Tabby’s Star. I was discussing it with Andromeda321 on Reddit a few months ago and even she hadn’t heard of it before lol (she’s a really popular astronomer on Reddit. her signature thing is starting all her comments with “astronomer here!”, you’ve probably come across her before haha)
