You ain't ready when this hits and the starkness comes in
First things first links:
Get ready for that mood if you feeling you need to travel to the dark side. Mostly instrumental although there are spliced vocal contributions here n there.
1\. Retaliation 03:28
2. Diverted 04:14
3. Bunker 03:51
4. UN Sanctions 04:08
5. FIM-92 Stinger 04:18
6. Immortal 05:37
7. Mother 03:50
8. Arms Deal 03:39
9. Why 04:16
10. Intercept 04:33
11. End Of Guerrilla
"Relaying the tragedy and terror of his family’s experience of war, Nazar uses a highly distinctive sound design palette and manacled grasp of what he calls “rough kuduro” rhythms to bring listeners deep into his mindset. While essentially impressionistic, Nazar vividly dramatises the theatre of war in a way that’s perhaps needless to say, authentic; drawing on his parents’ first-hand accounts and his own familiarity of the war’s aftermath, including his Rank General father’s writings and his mother’s oral recollections, to supply a shocking record that doesn’t shirk from the gore and adrenaline, while acknowledging sensations of blissed relief and optimism amid its scrambled con-fusion of feelings.
As previewed in 2018’s remarkable ‘Enclave’ EP, Nazar’s singular sound naturally bears a strong relationship to the Kuduro futurism of artists on Lisbon’s Príncipe label, however his use of cinematic tropes and a visionary style of narrative arrangement distinguishes his sound in its own lane. Setting the scene with the resigned negative ecstasy of ‘Retaliation’, Nazar becomes a physical presence via his vocal duet with Shannen SP, who returns from the ‘Enclave’ EP to supply icy gynoid vox to his blunted rap in ‘Bunker’, before lead single ‘UN Sanctions’ comes off like Klein’s hauntological elegies taken to the club, and the thrilling kuduro skirmish ’Immortal’ gives way to the contrasting, blissed succour of ‘Mother’ at the LP’s heart. But that relief is short-lived as the album’s final section stakes its message brutally clearly in the end scenes, running between his ravenous ‘Arms Deal’ to the schizzy but exactingly disciplined trample of ‘Why’, and the triumphant yet heartbroken denouement in ‘End Of Guerrilla’. "
Holy s*** is this dark. That's your warning. These titles
I've given you the heads up when you play this
Here's some photo's to show you visuals what he was probably reading about: (no violent graphic photos just the glimpse of living that time)
Missing people, just another reminder
You serve when it is time to serve
Even after the war casualties stack up from the landmine fields, Prince Harry gets to see the dire need for mine clearing & what it involves. That stays with you, I would imagine.
But this is the equipment they use and as you can see women are used for the frontline in the clean up. There is no bomb shield a la 'that bigelow film. A visor and a light blue uniform & a protective vest will be their only saving grace.
Every morning they are instructed in the ways of minefield clearing even if they know it by heart.
Children must still attend classes
These are just a few images of the angola war. The war continues even when the papers & writers have declared it over.
BTW check out Enclave ep, i'm listening to that now, that's the same theme & mood.
Some of these samples with the guns loading as percussion to the drums
this mf is cold with it. here's that track 'airstrike' starts at 10:43
@Johan_DeVito @Biginthegame @prince @free @AtTheEquinox
if you in a dark mood. just look at those titles.
@frenchpress @fonti @Beers @blockbeataz
when that bass hits, fam
@localblaccmane @proper @RVI @Replica @canon
the sound design on this. 😤
@viscera @Prbz @SOLARIS @Bob_Tha_Trillder @blkswnoir
this bangs on the speakers, fam.
@NOTSAVEME @brownsugah
@NPZx @YoungNastyShawty @smackdab
one more for the day
@yeSAC @PilotJones @thebaddestguy @Campari @Drain_Cook
the intro sets you up for the sonic journey. 😎
@passing_the_time @BaroudeurFlipFlop @wahi @TweedDiadoras @user
I'm cosigning this one
@frenchpress @fonti @Beers @blockbeataz
when that bass hits, fam
I'ma peep, this sounds sadly interesting. Shoutout to alla African countries, y'all shall overcome
I'ma peep, this sounds sadly interesting. Shoutout to alla African countries, y'all shall overcome
He seems to be living with it everyday. His other ep is about it as well.
He's still based in Angola, you can't escape that if you look in the family scrapbook, I'm guessing.