Neo nazis protested through Cincinnati while protected by police (shocking to no one they gotta protect they brethren) before being confronted by niggas.
Footage below of some youngins burning their flag
Aye listen let em crackas think s*** is sweet
We need this energy worldwide
EDIT: Feel like it's worth clarifying, I mean the energy of the people who drove the nazis out, thank you
Crazy to think that their great grandads probably went through hell on Earth killing nazis in Europe, just for their spawn to do this
Crazy to think that their great grandads probably went through hell on Earth killing nazis in Europe, just for their spawn to do this
We need this energy worldwide
EDIT: Feel like it's worth clarifying, I mean the energy of the people who drove the nazis out, thank you
nah we need swastikas everywhere i understood you right. sieg heil see im a nazi too
If i see nazis or ice in my city it really could end with me behind bars because im getting radically fed up with this bullshit
Haven't seen Kr0niic post in a few days
you should join your brethren out here, yall can yuck it up about how funny it is when arabs are mass murdered
you should join your brethren out here, yall can yuck it up about how funny it is when arabs are mass murdered
Crazy to think that their great grandads probably went through hell on Earth killing nazis in Europe, just for their spawn to do this
if they great grandads still participated in jim crow back home...I got some bad news for ya