Objectively, other than his finals performance, Harden's peak and prime > D Wade peak and prime. The difference in defense doesn't offset Harden's efficiency and playmaking.
It's honestly embarrassing that it's still a debate.
Hes not, dudes a fraud as a number one option when it counts. Dude even said he's relieved to not have to be first option anymore on the nets
Dudes not even close to prime Wade territory
Hes not, dudes a fraud as a number one option when it counts. Dude even said he's relieved to not have to be first option anymore on the nets
Dudes not even close to prime Wade territory
wade always had help tho
Harden is a “better” scorer but Wades resume is much more impressive
It’s really not that close man
wade always had help tho
Terrible take my dude, wade dragged shaqs fatass on his back to a title against the mavs in 06 where shaq averaged a laughable 12 points a game in those finals
Harden has had plenty of help over the years as well
Harden literally choked to a spurs team without Duncan led by ginobley and Tony Parker in wheel chairs lmao
Harden is a “better” scorer but Wades resume is much more impressive
It’s really not that close man
Harden is a “better” scorer but Wades resume is much more impressive
It’s really not that close man
Yep. Harden is better than Wade and is arguably a top 3 SG of all time with MJ and Kobe.
People are blinded by nostalgia when it comes to the Wade and Harden debate
If you love stats and scoring then yes obviously.
But if you know basketball you know that Wade is leaps and bounds better than Harden. There’s a reason why Hardens only been to 1 finals, and D Wade has 3 rings. Hardens style of play isn’t winning basketball, Wades is.
once hardens career is complete he will be ranked above wade, imo
dude may end up with 30k points, however many all star games, all nba appearances, and a better stat line.
wade will prob finish with more rings and will finish with more all defense teams.
It’s difficult to compare the 2. Dudes in this thread burying Harden for not being “the man” or not playing good enough in the playoffs as if Wade could have beat those warriors teams or the 2020 Lakers if he was in Harden’s position.